Vocabular Avansat pentru TOEFL - Fizică și Chimie
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre fizică și chimie, precum „vacuum”, „alkali”, „ion”, etc., care sunt necesare pentru examenul TOEFL.
Fișe de studiu
the different elements that form something or the arrangement of these elements

compoziție, structură

to heat a liquid and turn it into gas then cool it and make it liquid again in order to purify it

distila, purifica

to press two things together or be pressed together to become smaller

comprima, strânge

(physics) an invisible substance that makes up most of the universe's mass, detectable only through its gravitational effects

materie întunecată, materie noiră

(physics) matter consisting of elementary particles that are the antiparticles of those of regular matter


(chemistry) a substance that causes a chemical reaction to happen at a faster rate without undergoing any chemical change itself

catalizator, substanță de cataliză

any substance with a pH of more than seven that neutralizes acids creating salt and water

alcali, bază

a gas with a strong smell that dissolves in water to give a strongly alkaline solution


a hard black substance consisting of an amorphous form of carbon which is made by slowly burning wood and is used as fuel or for drawing

cărbune, cărbune de lemn

a substance that permits electricity to pass through or along it

conductor, material conductor

a substance of small size and equal sides, formed naturally when turns to solid

cristal, cristale

a particle with a net electric charge due to loss or gain of one or more electrons


referring to the combined interaction of electric and magnetic fields, often associated with waves or radiation


the process or action of splitting a nucleus into two or more parts resulting in the release of a significant amount of energy

fisiune nucleară, împărțirea nucleului

(physics) the reaction in which two nuclei join together and produce energy

fuziune nucleară, fuziunea nucleelor

a light silver-gray metal used primarily for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts

aluminiu, aluminiu (în română)

a combination of two or more metals, creating a metal that is usually stronger or more resistant


a metallic chemical element that has a red-brown color, primarily used as a conductor in wiring


(physics) possessing the attribute of attracting metal objects such as iron or steel


the resistance that two surfaces moving on each other encounter

frecare, rezistență

the gradual destruction of materials by chemical reaction, usually of metals

corozie, degradare

(physics) the property of matter that gives it weight in a gravitational field and is a measure of its inertia

masă, masă (fizică)

(physics) the degree to which a substance is compacted, measured by dividing its mass by its volume


a heavy soft metal, used in making bullets, in plumbing and roofing, especially in the past

plumb, metal greu

a soft, black, and highly conductive material made up of carbon atoms that is commonly used in pencils and as a lubricant

grafit, grafit (în creioane)

a heavy silver-colored and poisonous metal that has a liquid state in the ordinary temperature


a gas with nearly no electrical charge that exists in the sun and other stars


containing or relating to a dangerous form of energy produced by nuclear reactions

radioactiv, radioactivă

related to heat or temperature, including how heat moves, how materials expand with temperature changes, and the energy stored in heat

termic, călduros