пищевые ингредиенты - Корнеплоды и клубнеплоды
Здесь вы узнаете названия корнеплодов и клубнеплодов на английском языке, такие как «имбирь», «пастернак» и «картофель».
a vegetable with a round dark red root that is used in cooking or producing sugar
the tender and edible shoot of the bamboo plant
бамбуковый побег, молодой побег бамбука
a plant with edible roots and large leaves, known for its potential health benefits
a flowering plant native to North America, known for its edible bulbs
камас, съедобная луковица
a long orange vegetable that grows beneath the ground and is eaten cooked or raw
a thick and spicy root with pale brown color used as a seasoning in cooking, particularly in powder form
the long and starchy roots of a tropical plant that is native to South America, used in cooking
a mild radish with a white slender root that is used in Asian cuisine
дайкон, китайская редька
a plant that grows small, peanut-like tubers that can be eaten
земляной орех, земляной горох
a root vegetable commonly used in cooking, with a starchy texture and a nutty flavor
таро, корнеплод таро
an aromatic plant with curly green leaves, used for garnishing food or in cooking
the root of a European plant of the mustard family, with a white color and a strong flavor
a spicy root with a citrusy taste, often used in Southeast Asian cooking
галангал, корень галангала
the white root of a plant of the parsley family with a sweet taste that is used in cooking
a small edible tuber with a nutty flavor, commonly found in woodlands and used as a wild food source
зародыш ореха, лесной орех
a tropical plant with edible rhizomes that are commonly used as a source of starch in cooking and baking
стрелка корень, арорут
a round vegetable that grows beneath the ground, has light brown skin, and is used cooked or fried
картофель, картошка
a root vegetable with creamy flesh and white and purple skin, used in cooking
an edible root of red color with a pungent taste that is eaten raw in salads
the swollen yellow root of a plant of the cabbage family, used in cooking
the swollen yellow root of a plant of the cabbage family, used in cooking
a root vegetable with a long, slender shape and a mild, earthy flavor often compared to that of oysters
a root vegetable with a long, black-skinned appearance and a subtle, nutty flavor reminiscent of asparagus or artichokes
a root vegetable with a sweet and delicate flavor, resembling a combination of carrots and parsnips
скиррет, скиррет
a vegetable similar to a potato in shape that has a sweet taste and white flesh
a yellow aromatic powder that is obtained by grinding the root of a plant of the ginger family, widely used in Asian cuisines
an aquatic plant known for its distinctive horn-shaped nuts
водяной клевер, водяная чаша
an aquatic plant that produces edible, tuber-like corms with a crisp texture and subtly sweet flavor
водяной каштан, водяная орех
a root vegetable known for its high sugar content, commonly cultivated for the production of sugar
сахарная свекла, свекла сахарная
a vegetable with a round and dark red root that is eaten as food
a mild radish with a white slender root that is used in Asian cuisine
the long and starchy roots of a tropical plant that is native to South America, used in cooking