Ordförråd för IELTS (Grundläggande) - Hus
Här får du lära dig några engelska ord om hus, som "balkong", "tak", "inbyggd" etc. som behövs för IELTS-provet.
an area or room directly under the roof of a house, typically used for storage or as an additional living area
vind, loft
a platform above the ground level and on the outside wall of a building that we can get into from the upper floor
balkong, terrass
an area or room in a house or building that is partially or completely below the ground level
källare, underjord
(of a place or piece of equipment) connected to something in a way that is not separable
inbyggd, integrerad
the highest part of a room, vehicle, etc. that covers it from the inside
a small space or room built into a wall, which is used to store things and is usually shelved
skåp, garderob
to adorn the inside of a house or room in order to make it more beautiful
dekorera, pryta
a small step in front of the main door of a building or house
tröskel, steg
an opening like a door, gate, or passage that we can use to enter a building, room, etc.
ingång, entré
the floor of a building which has the same level as the street level
bottenvåning, första våning
(of a place, space, etc.) situated inside a building, house, etc.
inomhus, övertäckt
a person or a company who rents a room, house, building, etc. to someone else
hyresvärd, ägare
a property or piece of land that is rented for a specified time and price
hyra, hyresavtal
(of a place or space) located outside in a natural or open-air setting, without a roof or walls
utomhus, friluft
to let someone use one's property, car, etc. for a particular time in exchange for payment
hyra ut
someone who pays rent to live in someone else's house, room, etc.
hyresgäst, tillfällig boende
something such as a building, tree, etc. that is easy to recognize, which we can use to know where we are
kännetecken, monument
on or toward a lower part of a building, particularly the first floor
nedan, på bottenvåningen
a set of stairs inside a building including its surrounding side parts that one can hold on to
trappa, trapphus
a room designed for multiple people to sleep in, typically found in schools, camps, or similar institutions
(of an area with buildings) designed specially for people to live in
bostads-, bostadsområde
regular work done in a house, especially cleaning, washing, etc.
husarbete, hemmaarbete
an object that controls the flow of liquid or gas from a container or pipe
kran, ventil