ACT Beşeri Bilimler - Hukuk ve Borçlar
Burada, ACT'lerinizde başarılı olmanıza yardımcı olacak "feragat", "beraat", "şartlı tahliye" vb. gibi hukuk ve yükümlülüklerle ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
the formal process or legal action taken within a court to resolve a dispute, administer justice, etc.

dava, işlem

a written statement affirmed by oath that can be used as evidence in court

yeminli belge
a formal statement saying something is true, particularly made by a witness in court

(law) the permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their imprisonment sentence, on the condition of good conduct

şartlı tahliye
a person or group of people who control the property or money that belongs to another person

an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings

hüküm, karar
an official judgment in court of law that declares someone not guilty of the crime they were charged with

an institution designed to reform or rehabilitate young offenders rather than simply punish them

reformatör, iyileştirme merkezi

a prison or correctional facility where individuals convicted of serious crimes are confined and undergo rehabilitation

hapishane, cezaevi

belonging or appropriate for a court, a judge, or the administration of justice

(of a judicial sentence) establishing a range of time within which the offender will serve their sentence, with the possibility of early release

belirsiz ceza, belirsiz dava

to force someone to leave a country, often as a form of punishment or to keep them away

sürgün etmek, kaçırmak

to force someone to live away from their native country, usually due to political reasons or as a punishment

sürgüne göndermek
to announce officially that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law

mahkum etmek
to try to charge someone officially with a crime in a court as the lawyer of the accuser

hakkında soruşturma açmak
a legally binding contract between parties, typically individuals or businesses, that outlines confidential information that the parties agree not to disclose to others

gizlilik sözleşmesi, açıklamama sözleşmesi

the assurance that sensitive information will not be divulged without proper consent

gizlilik, mahremiyet

an action that one must perform because they are legally or morally forced to do so

an agreed-upon condition or requirement outlined in an agreement, law, or document

şart, koşul
unable to be broken or dishonored, often due to its importance or protection by law or custom
