
ACT 人文科学 - 法律と義務

ここでは、ACT の合格に役立つ、「放棄」、「無罪」、「仮釈放」など、法律と義務に関連する英単語をいくつか学びます。









ACT Vocabulary for Humanities

the formal process or legal action taken within a court to resolve a dispute, administer justice, etc.

手続き, 訴訟

手続き, 訴訟

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a written statement affirmed by oath that can be used as evidence in court

宣誓供述書, アフィダビット

宣誓供述書, アフィダビット

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a formal statement saying something is true, particularly made by a witness in court

証言, 証拠

証言, 証拠

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the act of blaming and charging someone for their wrong act

告発, 非難

告発, 非難

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a decision made by someone with official power, particularly a judge

判決, 決定

判決, 決定

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a serious crime such as arson, murder, rape, etc.

重犯罪, フェロニー

重犯罪, フェロニー

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(law) the permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their imprisonment sentence, on the condition of good conduct

仮出所, 保護観察

仮出所, 保護観察

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a punishment given for breaking a rule, law, or legal agreement

罰金, 制裁

罰金, 制裁

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a published false statement that damages a person's reputation

名誉毀損, 中傷

名誉毀損, 中傷

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the act of breaking or not obeying a law, agreement, etc.

違反, 侵害

違反, 侵害

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a person or group of people who control the property or money that belongs to another person

受託者, 管理者

受託者, 管理者

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a response in court, stating an opposing demand

反訴, 対立する訴え

反訴, 対立する訴え

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someone who has done an illegal act

犯人, 違反者

犯人, 違反者

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an action that is against a law. regulation, or agreement

違反, 侵害

違反, 侵害

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an authorized practitioner of law who defends a person's case in a courtroom

弁護士, 弁護人

弁護士, 弁護人

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an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings

評決, 判決

評決, 判決

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an official judgment in court of law that declares someone not guilty of the crime they were charged with



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an institution designed to reform or rehabilitate young offenders rather than simply punish them

矯正施設, 更生施設

矯正施設, 更生施設

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a prison or correctional facility where individuals convicted of serious crimes are confined and undergo rehabilitation

懲役施設, 刑務所

懲役施設, 刑務所

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according to or allowed by law

法定の, 法律に基づく

法定の, 法律に基づく

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belonging or appropriate for a court, a judge, or the administration of justice

司法の, 裁判の

司法の, 裁判の

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(of a judicial sentence) establishing a range of time within which the offender will serve their sentence, with the possibility of early release

不定期刑罰, 不確定な判決

不定期刑罰, 不確定な判決

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to indict

to officially accuse a person of a crime

起訴する, 告発する

起訴する, 告発する

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to banish

to force someone to leave a country, often as a form of punishment or to keep them away

追放する, 排除する

追放する, 排除する

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to slander

to make false and adverse statements about someone for defamation

誹謗する, 中傷する

誹謗する, 中傷する

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to exile

to force someone to live away from their native country, usually due to political reasons or as a punishment

追放する, 亡命させる

追放する, 亡命させる

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to outlaw

to officially state that something is illegal

違法とする, 禁止する

違法とする, 禁止する

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to waive

to voluntarily relinquish or give up a right, claim, or privilege

放棄する, 辞退する

放棄する, 辞退する

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to authorize

to officially give permission for a specific action, process, etc.

認可する, 許可する

認可する, 許可する

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to enact

to approve a proposed law

制定する, 承認する

制定する, 承認する

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to convict

to announce officially that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law

有罪判決を下す, 有罪とする

有罪判決を下す, 有罪とする

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to execute

to kill someone, especially as a legal penalty

処刑する, 実行する (動詞として)

処刑する, 実行する (動詞として)

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to prosecute

to try to charge someone officially with a crime in a court as the lawyer of the accuser

起訴する, 訴追する

起訴する, 訴追する

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to arbitrate

to officially resolve a disagreement between people

仲裁する, 決定する

仲裁する, 決定する

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non-disclosure agreement

a legally binding contract between parties, typically individuals or businesses, that outlines confidential information that the parties agree not to disclose to others

秘密保持契約, 非開示契約

秘密保持契約, 非開示契約

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the assurance that sensitive information will not be divulged without proper consent

機密性, 秘匿性

機密性, 秘匿性

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an action that one must perform because they are legally or morally forced to do so

義務, 責任

義務, 責任

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an agreed-upon condition or requirement outlined in an agreement, law, or document

規定, 条項

規定, 条項

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unable to be broken or dishonored, often due to its importance or protection by law or custom



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to exempt

to officially excuse someone from a requirement or obligation

免除する, 除外する

免除する, 除外する

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to commit

to state that one is bound to do something specific

約束する, コミットする

約束する, コミットする

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to entrust

to give someone the responsibility of taking care of something important, such as a task, duty, or information

委ねる, 託す

委ねる, 託す

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to pledge

to make a binding agreement

誓約する, 約束する

誓約する, 約束する

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