Sağlık ve Hastalık - Yaralanma ile İlgili Genel Fiiller
Burada "sakatlama", "kırık" ve "yara izi" gibi yaralanmayla ilgili bazı genel İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to accidentally hit or get hit by something that injures or damages a part of one's body

to suffer or undergo something irritating, especially an injury, disease, etc.

geçirmek (hastalık, nöbet)
to accidentally wound and hurt yourself or others, especially with a sharp object, causing the skin to break and bleed

kesmek, yaralamak

to cause a sensation of discomfort or pain similar to that of being burned by fire

birine acı vermek
to make injuries, particularly ones caused by a blow, appear on the skin and cause discoloration

to cause a sudden painful stiffness or spasm in a muscle, typically occurring due to an awkward movement or prolonged position

kasılmak (vücudun bir kısmı)
to inflict severe damage to someone's body so that they are unable to walk or move properly

felce uğratmak
to cause injury to the surface of one's skin by rubbing it against something rough

sürtüp yaralamak
to injure or weaken someone in a way that one cannot live normally

iş yapamaz duruma getirmek
to forcefully and suddenly impact or compress a body part, typically causing discomfort, pain, or injury

to pierce or tear the skin or flesh, causing deep and often irregular wounds

to cause serious and often permanent injury to a person, typically by disabling a part of their body

sakat kalmak
to injure a joint, particularly one's ankle or wrist by turning it in an awkward way

to injure a part of one's body, particularly one's ankle or shoulder by twisting it suddenly or violently

to accidentally hit a part of one's body against something, especially with great force and in a way that causes injury

to forcefully smack someone on the head and make them temporarily unconscious or confused

başı yaralamak
to walk unsteadily or clumsily due to sustaining injuries or physical limitations

a severe injury that causes an internal organ or soft tissue to break or tear suddenly

to form a scab, a crust of dry blood that forms over a wound as it recovers

kabuk bağlamak (yara)
(of an animal or insect) to pierce the skin of another animal or a human, typically injecting poison, either in self-defense or while preying

(of skin tissue) to accidentally damage or injure by rubbing against a rough surface or with something sharp and abrasive
