Необхідний Словниковий Запас для TOEFL - правопорядок
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова про закон і порядок, такі як «justice», «bill», «clause» тощо, які потрібні для іспиту TOEFL.
the official laws and principles by which a country or state is governed


a separate part of a legal document that requires or talks about something specific

relating to the making and passing of laws by government bodies

законодавчий, законодавча

a law or a set of laws passed by a legislative body, such as a parliament

законодавство, закон

(law) an official written document that people sign to agree on something or accept something as true

декларація, офіційний документ

(law) an official gathering in a court of law, especially without the presence of the jury, to find out information about a case and listen to evidence

слухання, засідання

belonging or appropriate for a court, a judge, or the administration of justice

судовий, юридичний

officially allowed or accepted according to the rules or laws that apply to a particular situation

легітимний, допустимий

(law) a formal statement made by someone confirming or denying their accusation

заява, клопотання

to try to charge someone officially with a crime in a court as the lawyer of the accuser

переслідувати, обвинувачувати

the state of being represented or the act of representing

представлення, репрезентація

(usually plural) people with decision-making power over a specific area in a country

влади, органи

a decision made by someone with official power, particularly a judge

рішення, постанови

to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

to make a statement as a witness in court saying something is true

свідчити, давати свідчення

a formal statement saying something is true, particularly made by a witness in court

свідчення, показ

anything that proves the truth or possibility of something, such as facts, objects, or signs

a legal process where a judge and jury examine evidence in court to decide if the accused is guilty

судовий розгляд
an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings

вирок, вердикт

an amount of money that must be paid in order for someone who is accused of a crime to be released until their trial

to officially ask a higher court to review and reverse the decision made by a lower court

a person in a law court who is sued by someone else or is accused of committing a crime

відповідач, обвинувачений

an unfinished version of something written that might be subject to change before it is finished

чернетка, дорожня версія

a formal or legal process in which it is decided if someone has done something wrong or illegal

судова справа
a complaint or claim that someone brings to a law court for settlement

позов, скарга до суду

to bring a charge against an individual or organization in a law court

подавати до суду, виставити позов