Podstawowe Słownictwo do TOEFL - prawo i porządek
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z prawem i porządkiem, takich jak „sprawiedliwość”, „bill”, „clause” itp., które są potrzebne do egzaminu TOEFL.
the official laws and principles by which a country or state is governed
a new law that is proposed to a parliament to be discussed about
projekt ustawy, proponowana ustawa
a separate part of a legal document that requires or talks about something specific
klauzula, artykuł
relating to the making and passing of laws by government bodies
ustawodawczy, legislacyjny
a law or a set of laws passed by a legislative body, such as a parliament
legislacja, ustawa
a lawyer who represents someone in a court of law
adwokat, radca prawny
to make or accept a law by voting or by decree
uchwalić, zatwierdzić
(law) an official written document that people sign to agree on something or accept something as true
deklaracja, oficjalny dokument
(law) an official gathering in a court of law, especially without the presence of the jury, to find out information about a case and listen to evidence
rozprawa, przesłuchanie
belonging or appropriate for a court, a judge, or the administration of justice
sądowy, jurysdykcyjny
officially allowed or accepted according to the rules or laws that apply to a particular situation
legitymny, zgodny z prawem
(law) a formal statement made by someone confirming or denying their accusation
oświadczenie, apelacja
to try to charge someone officially with a crime in a court as the lawyer of the accuser
oskarżać, prowadzić sprawę
the state of being represented or the act of representing
przedstawicielstwo, reprezentacja
(usually plural) people with decision-making power over a specific area in a country
władze, organy
a decision made by someone with official power, particularly a judge
orzeczenie, wyrok
to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law
skazać, orzec
to make a statement as a witness in court saying something is true
świadczyć, zeznawać
a formal statement saying something is true, particularly made by a witness in court
zeznanie, świadectwo
(law) a person who testifies under oath in a court of law
anything that proves the truth or possibility of something, such as facts, objects, or signs
dowód, evidence
a legal process where a judge and jury examine evidence in court to decide if the accused is guilty
proces, rozprawa sądowa
an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings
wyrok, orzeczenie
an amount of money that must be paid in order for someone who is accused of a crime to be released until their trial
kaucja, poręczenie
to officially ask a higher court to review and reverse the decision made by a lower court
odwołać się, wniosku o odwołanie
a person in a law court who is sued by someone else or is accused of committing a crime
pozwany, oskarżony
an unfinished version of something written that might be subject to change before it is finished
szkic, robocza wersja
to officially accuse someone of an offense
oskarżyć, postawić zarzuty
a formal or legal process in which it is decided if someone has done something wrong or illegal
postępowanie przed sądem, pozew
a complaint or claim that someone brings to a law court for settlement
pozew, sprawa sądowa
to bring a charge against an individual or organization in a law court
pozwać, wystąpić na drogę prawna
actions taken in a court of law in order to settle an argument
postępowania, procedury
a police officer holding an intermediate rank
inspektor, inspektorka