Необхідний Словниковий Запас для TOEFL - Сільське господарство та рослинництво
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова про сільське господарство та рослини, такі як «урожай», «сіно», «реап» тощо, які потрібні для іспиту TOEFL.
related to the practice or science of farming

сільськогосподарський, аграрний

a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land, particularly in the past or in poorer countries

селянин, господар

to grow plants or crops, especially for farming or commercial purposes


a time of the year during which the plants have good condition to grow

період росту, вегетаційний період

a large piece of land used for growing sugar cane, coffee, tea, etc., particularly in a hot country

плантація, плантація (земельна ділянка для вирощування)

to use a large farming equipment to dig the ground and make it ready for farming

орати, плугувати

any plant that is produced for grains that can be eaten or used in making flour

зернові, крупи

the common grain that is used in making flour, taken from a cereal grass which is green and tall

a type of tall tropical plant that sugar can be extracted from its stems

цукрова тростина, тростина

a cereal grain used as food for humans and animals and for making alcoholic beverages


a type of chemical substance that is used for killing insects or small animals that damage food or crops

пестицид, інсектицид

animals that are kept on a farm, such as cows, pigs, or sheep

сільськогосподарські тварини, бичковий скот

milk and milk products that are produced by mammals such as cows, goats, and sheep collectively

молочні продукти, молочка

to increase productivity of the soil by spreading suitable substances on it

добриво, удобрювати

a chemical or natural material that is added to the soil to improve its productivity and help plants grow

добриво, фертилізатор

a glass structure used for growing plants in and protecting them from cold weather

any wild and unwanted plant that may harm the process of growth in a farm or garden

the underground part of a plant that absorbs water and minerals, sending it to other parts
