a blood protein produced to fight diseases or infections, or in response to foreign substances in the body

抗体, 免疫蛋白

a type of white blood cell involved in allergic reactions and immune responses in the human body


a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response, responsible for recognizing and destroying foreign invaders in the body


an immune cell that produces antibodies to help protect the body against infections

B淋巴细胞, B细胞

a type of white blood cell that plays a central role in the immune response by recognizing and attacking infected or abnormal cells


a type of immune cell that displays foreign antigens on its surface to activate other cells of the immune system, such as T cells and B cells, to mount an immune response against the pathogen

抗原呈递细胞, APC细胞

a small protein that regulates immune responses and cell communication in the human body


an immune cell that can respond more quickly and effectively to a pathogen upon re-exposure

记忆B细胞, B淋巴记忆细胞

an immune cell that retains information about previously encountered pathogens to mount a quicker and more efficient immune response upon re-exposure

记忆T细胞, 记忆性T细胞

a type of immune cell that plays a critical role in presenting antigens to other immune cells, helping to initiate and regulate immune responses

树突细胞, 树突细胞

a type of white blood cell characterized by cytoplasmic granules and involved in the body's immune response

颗粒细胞, 颗粒白细胞

a group of proteins that are found on the surface of cells and play a key role in the immune system recognition and response

人类白细胞抗原, HLA抗原

a type of immune cell that can directly kill infected or abnormal cells in the body

细胞毒性T细胞, 细胞毒性T淋巴细胞

a type of immune cell that plays a central role in coordinating and regulating immune responses

辅助性T细胞, 助细胞T细胞

a type of immune cell that helps maintain immune balance and prevent excessive immune responses in the human body

调节性T细胞, T细胞调节者

a set of genes that help the immune system recognize and respond to foreign substances in the body by presenting them to immune cells for identification

主要组织相容性复合体, MHC

a type of white blood cell that engulfs and destroys foreign substances, pathogens, and cellular debris in the body

巨噬细胞, 吞噬细胞

a type of immune cell in the human body that engulfs and eliminates pathogens and foreign particles through the process of phagocytosis


a type of immune cell that releases chemical mediators involved in allergic reactions

肥大细胞, 组胺细胞

a type of white blood cell that helps defend the body against bacterial infections by engulfing and destroying bacteria


a key component of the immune system responsible for defending the body against infections and diseases

白细胞, 白血球

a type of immune cell that has the ability to suppress immune responses, and they are often associated with pathological conditions such as cancer and inflammation

髓源性抑制细胞, 髓系抑制性细胞

a type of immune cell that is capable of recognizing and destroying infected or cancerous cells in the body without prior sensitization or activation


(usually plural) each of the pair of large lymphoid tissues high up in the throat and behind the nose that have to be removed if swollen


(anatomy) each of the pair of lymphoid tissues in the pharynx at the side of the tongue root


a small organ in the lymphatic system that filters and traps foreign substances, helping to fight infections and support immune responses

淋巴结, 淋巴结节点

an abnormally small red blood cell that can indicate certain types of anemia or underlying health conditions


an immature form of a red blood cell that indicates active blood cell production in the bone marrow
