مكونات الطعام - ثمار التوت
هنا سوف تتعلم أسماء ثمار التوت باللغة الإنجليزية مثل "الفراولة"، "الكشمش"، و "العنب".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a small, dark purple berry that resembles a blueberry and is known for its rich antioxidants and potential health benefits
بيلبيري, توت البرية
a large edible berry that is similar to a blackberry in shape, with a taste like a raspberry
بويزن بيري, توت البويزن
a North American fruit of the berry family with a rose color, growing on bushes
توت السلمون
a dark red berry that is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry, named after the river Tay in Scotland
تينبيري, وباء التوت
a tiny soft fruit with a sweet taste and black color that grows on a thorny bush
توت أسود
a sweet small fruit dark blue in color, grown in North America
توت أزرق, توت بري
the bluish-black fruit resembling a blackberry, growing on a bush
توت الأزرق, توت العليق
a small, dark purple fruit that grows on the elder tree and is commonly used for culinary purposes and herbal remedies
التوت الأسود, توت البلسن
a small yellowish-green or red fruit with a sharp flavor, growing on thorny bushes
كرز البرباريس, التوت الشائك
an edible blue-black berry that grows on a bush and is native to North America
توت البرباريس, توت أسود
the red edible fruit that grows on a bush which is a hybrid between North American blackberry and European raspberry
توت لوغان, فاكهة لوغان
a sweet and juicy fruit that comes in various colors, typically dark purple or red
توت, توته
an edible soft berry that is red or black in color and grows on bushes
توّت العلّيق
a small, sweet fruit enclosed in a papery husk, resembling a miniature tomato
كرز أرضي, كرز مغلف
a small, edible fruit that resembles a miniature dark purple tomato
توت العجائب, توت الأحلام
a small dark-blue or black fruit that grows on low shrubs and has a sweet and tangy flavor
توت البري, توت العليق
a small, silvery-gray edible berry with a tart and slightly sweet flavor
توت فضي, ب Berry الفضي
a small, dark purple or red berry that grows on the shadberry tree
توت الشاد, حبوب الشاد
a small red berry with a tart flavor, commonly found in Nordic regions
توت العليق, توت أحمر
a small, sweet fruit with a flavor reminiscent of honey
توت العسل, فاكهة العسل
a small edible type of berry that is black in color and grows on bushes
الكشمش الأسود, الكشمش
a purple or green fruit that is round, small, and grows in bunches on a vine
a small, tart, and edible berry that grows in clusters on shrubs
توابل, زبيب
a small red berry with a sweet taste that is used in jellies or jams, native to Europe
الكشمش الأحمر, كشمش
a variety of wine grape known for its thin skin, delicate flavors, and ability to produce high-quality wines
عنب بينو, ثمرة بينو
a white seedless grape that is used for cooking or making wine
سلطانية, عنب سلتاني
a variety of wine grape known for its aromatic characteristics and the production of wines with distinct floral and fruity notes
عنب مسقط, عنب موسكات
a small, translucent berry with a sweet and slightly tangy flavor
بيلسان أبيض, توت أبيض
a tart, red berry commonly used in culinary dishes and traditional medicine
التوت العنبري
a variety of grape known for its rich, bold flavor and deep purple color
عنب كونكورد, حبة عنب كونكورد
a white wine grape variety known for producing wines with a wide range of styles
عنب شاردونيه, نوع عنب شاردونيه
a type of fruit that is a cross between a blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry, and has a dark red color when ripe
توت صغير, التوت الشاب
a small, tart berry used in indigenous Australian cuisine and valued for its culinary versatility
البرتقال المحلي