Ingrediente Alimentare - Fructe de padure
Aici veți învăța numele fructelor de pădure în engleză, cum ar fi „căpșuni”, „coacăze” și „struguri”.
Fișe de studiu
a small, dark purple berry that resembles a blueberry and is known for its rich antioxidants and potential health benefits

afine, afine negre

a large edible berry that is similar to a blackberry in shape, with a taste like a raspberry

boysenberry, măceșe

a North American fruit of the berry family with a rose color, growing on bushes

zmeură de somon

a dark red berry that is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry, named after the river Tay in Scotland

tayberry, măceș de zmeură

a tiny soft fruit with a sweet taste and black color that grows on a thorny bush


a small, dark purple fruit that grows on the elder tree and is commonly used for culinary purposes and herbal remedies

soc, fructe de soc

a small yellowish-green or red fruit with a sharp flavor, growing on thorny bushes

agrișă, groselă

an edible blue-black berry that grows on a bush and is native to North America

merișor, carină

the red edible fruit that grows on a bush which is a hybrid between North American blackberry and European raspberry

loganberry, fruct de logan

a sweet and juicy fruit that comes in various colors, typically dark purple or red

măceș, măcelăre

a small, sweet fruit enclosed in a papery husk, resembling a miniature tomato

cireașă de pământ, cireșe în husă de hârtie

a small, edible fruit that resembles a miniature dark purple tomato

fruct minunat, fruct de vis

a small dark-blue or black fruit that grows on low shrubs and has a sweet and tangy flavor

afine, fructe de mure

a small, silvery-gray edible berry with a tart and slightly sweet flavor

fruct argintiu, bălăștie argintie

a small, dark purple or red berry that grows on the shadberry tree

shadberry, fruct de shadbush

a small red berry with a tart flavor, commonly found in Nordic regions

merişor, fruct roşu

a small, sweet fruit with a flavor reminiscent of honey

bobul de miere, fructul de miere

a small edible type of berry that is black in color and grows on bushes

coacăză neagră, coacăză

a purple or green fruit that is round, small, and grows in bunches on a vine


a small red berry with a sweet taste that is used in jellies or jams, native to Europe

coacăză roșie, coacăză

a variety of wine grape known for its thin skin, delicate flavors, and ability to produce high-quality wines

strugure Pinot, bob de Pinot

a white seedless grape that is used for cooking or making wine

sultana, strugure alb fără semințe

a small, translucent berry with a sweet and slightly tangy flavor

coacăză albă, curea albă

a tart, red berry commonly used in culinary dishes and traditional medicine


a variety of grape known for its rich, bold flavor and deep purple color

struguri Concord, varietate de struguri Concord

a white wine grape variety known for producing wines with a wide range of styles

strugure Chardonnay, tip de strugure Chardonnay

a type of fruit that is a cross between a blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry, and has a dark red color when ripe

fruct tânăr, băcălește tânără