
مشاعر - فقدان أعصاب المرء

استكشف التعابير الإنجليزية المتعلقة بفقدان أعصابك من خلال أمثلة مثل "go ballistic" و"hot under the Collar".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
English idioms related to Feelings
to throw a wobbly

to get extremely angry, upset, or frustrated and behave in an uncontrolled manner

to rant and rave

to display one's anger or frustration by complaining or shouting, particularly for a while

to scream blue murder

to show one's disagreement, complaint, pain, or anger by shouting or screaming very loudly and in length

الصراخ والصراخ

الصراخ والصراخ

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a short fuse

one's tendency to suddenly become enraged due to having low tolerance

to go through the roof

to become extremely angry, agitated, or upset

الخروج عن نطاق السيطرة

الخروج عن نطاق السيطرة

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worked up

(of a person) very angry or upset about something unpleasant that has happened

غاضب جدا ومنزعج

غاضب جدا ومنزعج

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(as) red as a cherry

used to refer to a situation in which one becomes extremely angry, causing one's face to turn red

من احمر وجهه من شدة الغضب

من احمر وجهه من شدة الغضب

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to make one's hackles rise

to do something that makes someone become extremely angry

جعل شخص ما غاضبا للغاية

جعل شخص ما غاضبا للغاية

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to see red

to suddenly become enraged and uncontrollably angry

فقدان السيطرة على نفسه بسبب الغضب

فقدان السيطرة على نفسه بسبب الغضب

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(as) mad as a hornet

used to describe someone who suddenly becomes very angry and is unable to stay calm

شخص لا يمكن احتواء غضبه

شخص لا يمكن احتواء غضبه

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to fly off the handle

to suddenly become angry

أصبح فجأة غاضبا جدا

أصبح فجأة غاضبا جدا

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to blow a fuse

to suddenly lose one's temper and become extremely angry

أصبح غاضبًا فجأة

أصبح غاضبًا فجأة

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to foam at the mouth

to become extremely furious about something

يصبح غاضبا للغاية

يصبح غاضبا للغاية

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hot under the collar

extremely furious or upset

غاضب جدا ومنزعج

غاضب جدا ومنزعج

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fit to be tied

(of a person) severely irritated or enraged

to go ballistic

to suddenly become extremely angry

أصبح فجأة غاضبا جدا

أصبح فجأة غاضبا جدا

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to do one's nut

to become really angry in a way that causes one to act uncontrollably

أصبح فجأة غاضبا جدا

أصبح فجأة غاضبا جدا

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