احساسات - از دست دادن خلق و خوی
اصطلاحات انگلیسی مربوط به از دست دادن عصبانیت را با مثال هایی مانند "go ballistic" و "hot under the collar" کاوش کنید.
to get extremely angry, upset, or frustrated and behave in an uncontrolled manner
به شدت عصبانی و روانی شدن
to display one's anger or frustration by complaining or shouting, particularly for a while
دادوبیداد کردن, از عصبانیت فریاد زدن، هایوهوی کردن، قشقرق به پا کردن
to show one's disagreement, complaint, pain, or anger by shouting or screaming very loudly and in length
دادوفریاد کردن
one's tendency to suddenly become enraged due to having low tolerance
اعصاب ضعیف
(of a person) very angry or upset about something unpleasant that has happened
بسیار ناراحت و عصبانی
used to refer to a situation in which one becomes extremely angry, causing one's face to turn red
(از عصبانیت) سرخ و برافروخته
to do something that makes someone become extremely angry
کسی را به شدت عصبانی کردن
to suddenly become enraged and uncontrollably angry
خون جلوی چشم کسی را گرفتن, قاطی کردن
used to describe someone who suddenly becomes very angry and is unable to stay calm
to suddenly lose one's temper and become extremely angry
از کوره در رفتن
to become really angry in a way that causes one to act uncontrollably
از کوره در رفتن