
الاتفاق والاختلاف - Disagreement

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالخلاف مثل "ضد" و"بيكر" و"تصادم".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement
to ask for trouble

to do something that is very likely to result in trouble or difficulty


a person that one is opposed to and fights or competes with

خصم, عدو

خصم, عدو

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in opposition to someone or something

ضد, مضاد لـ

ضد, مضاد لـ

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[حرف جر]
all hell break loose

used when a situation suddenly becomes very intense or chaotic


a noisy dispute

شجار, نزاع

شجار, نزاع

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used to convey that one is against something

مناهض, ضدّ

مناهض, ضدّ

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[حرف جر]
to argue

to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them

يُجادل, تنازع

يُجادل, تنازع

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a discussion, typically a serious one, between two or more people with different views

حجة, جدال

حجة, جدال

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to argue with

to deny a statement

يجادل, ينكر

يجادل, ينكر

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(of a person) ready to argue and often arguing

جدلي, مجادل

جدلي, مجادل

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as a matter of fact

used to introduce a statement that presents a truth or reality, often to clarify or emphasize something


opposite to; against

مضاد لـ, عبر

مضاد لـ, عبر

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[حرف جر]
at loggerheads

in serious disagreement with someone

at odds

(of opinions) in complete disagreement with each other

at each other's throats

used when two or more people, groups, or organizations fight or disagree with one another

bad feelings

feeling of anger between people, particularly because of an argument

مشاعر سيئة, ضغينة

مشاعر سيئة, ضغينة

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to bang one's heads together

to forcefully make people stop arguing and start behaving appropriately


a situation in which opposing sides argue or compete with one another to achieve something

معركة, صراع

معركة, صراع

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battle line

the dividing line between opposing sides in a conflict or confrontation

خط المعركة

خط المعركة

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a subject of dispute; a situation in which people disagree

ساحة المعركة, موضوع الخلاف

ساحة المعركة, موضوع الخلاف

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to beard the lion in his den

to confront someone very powerful or dangerous in their area of control and strength, where they hold the advantage


displaying a willingness to start an argument, fight, or war

عدواني, محارب

عدواني, محارب

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the desire to start an argument, fight, or war

عدوانية, حربوية

عدوانية, حربوية

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to be not having any of it

to be completely unwilling to do something

to bicker

to argue over unimportant things in an ongoing and repetitive way

يتشاجر, يختلف

يتشاجر, يختلف

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argument over unimportant things

جدال, مناقشة

جدال, مناقشة

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to bite one's tongue

to not say something, against one's wish, in order to avoid causing an argument or upsetting someone

bone of contention

a subject over which people disagree


said to introduce a statement that displays one's surprise, anger, or disagreement

لكن, ومع ذلك

لكن, ومع ذلك

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[حرف العطف]
to carry on

to continue talking

استمر في الكلام, واصل الحديث

استمر في الكلام, واصل الحديث

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intending to provoke thought or discussion

تحفيزي, تحدي

تحفيزي, تحدي

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a serious argument between two sides caused by their different views and beliefs

صراع, تضارب

صراع, تضارب

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to clash

to strongly and publicly argue or disagree with someone

يتعارض, يختلف

يتعارض, يختلف

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to collide

(of people, their opinions, ideas, etc.) to seriously disagree

يتصادم, يختلف بشكل حاد

يتصادم, يختلف بشكل حاد

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a serious disagreement between people, ideas, opinions, etc.

اصطدام, تصادم

اصطدام, تصادم

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eager and ready to start an argument or fight

قتالي, عدواني

قتالي, عدواني

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come off it

used to tell someone that they should stop saying or doing a particular thing

توقف عن هذا!, يا رفاق، لنكن صادقين!

توقف عن هذا!, يا رفاق، لنكن صادقين!

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to come out on top

to win an argument or other competitive situation


a serious disagreement or argument, often involving opposing interests or ideas

صراع, خلاف

صراع, خلاف

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to conflict

(of two ideas, opinions, etc.) to oppose each other

يتعارض, ي冲

يتعارض, ي冲

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to confront

to face someone, particularly in a way that is unfriendly or threatening

مواجهة, تصادم

مواجهة, تصادم

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a situation of hostility or strong disagreement between two opposing individuals, parties, or groups

تعارض, مواجهة

تعارض, مواجهة

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likely to cause arguments because of being aggressive

مواجه, عدائي

مواجه, عدائي

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a state of heated disagreement, often coming from different viewpoints or interests

خلاف, نزاع

خلاف, نزاع

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inclined to argue or provoke disagreement

مثير للجدل, منازع

مثير للجدل, منازع

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to contradict

to disagree with someone, particularly by asserting the opposite of their statement

تناقض, نقض

تناقض, نقض

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someone who acts against popular opinion, particularly in investment markets

مخالف للراي, مناوئ

مخالف للراي, مناوئ

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a slight disagreement or an unpleasant event that causes embarrassment

موقف محرج, خلاف بسيط

موقف محرج, خلاف بسيط

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causing a lot of strong public disagreement or discussion

مثير للجدل, مثير للجدل

مثير للجدل, مثير للجدل

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in a way that causes strong public disagreement

بصورة مثيرة للجدل, بطريقة جدلية

بصورة مثيرة للجدل, بطريقة جدلية

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a strong disagreement or argument over something that involves many people

جدل, خلاف

جدل, خلاف

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