Απαραίτητο Λεξιλόγιο για το TOEFL - Ιατρικές εξετάσεις και διαδικασίες
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις σχετικά με τις ιατρικές εξετάσεις και τη διαδικασία, όπως "incision", "scan", "MRI" κ.λπ. που χρειάζονται για την εξέταση TOEFL.
an operation performed by medical professionals to diagnose, treat, etc. a medical condition or injury
a small amount of a substance taken from a larger amount used for scientific analysis or therapeutic experiment
(of a medical device) to take a picture of a body part often using X-rays for detailed examinations by a specialist
a medical examination during which a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body is created by the use of a computer linked to an X-ray machine
a technique in which a powerful magnetic field is used to produce detailed images of areas inside the body
the application of ultrasonic waves for medical purposes, such as producing an image of a growing fetus
a medical practice that involves cutting open a body part in order to repair, remove, etc. an organ
related to or involving medical procedures that involve making incisions in the body to treat injuries, diseases, or deformities
a medical procedure to deliver a baby by cutting the belly of the mother
to insert a living tissue or an artificial object into the body via medical procedure
to surgically remove an organ from someone's body and put it in someone else's body
a surgical procedure performed on someone's nose that changes its appearance to make it look more attractive
a medical operation performed on a part of the body in order to improve its appearance or repair skin injury
to find out the cause of a problem or disease that a person has by examining the symptoms
a person who is trained to treat a particular type of disease or disorder, particularly by using a specific therapy
a trained individual who provides emergency medical care to people before taking them to the hospital
a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of mental illnesses or behavioral disorders