Απαραίτητο Λεξιλόγιο για το TOEFL - Εγκλημα και τιμωρία
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις για το έγκλημα και την τιμωρία, όπως «κατάδικος», «άλλοθι», «απάτη» κ.λπ. που χρειάζονται για τις εξετάσεις TOEFL.
an attempt to gather the facts of a matter such as a crime, incident, etc. to find out the truth
proof that indicates a person was somewhere other than the place where a crime took place and therefore could not have committed it
to admit, especially to the police or legal authorities, that one has committed a crime or has done something wrong
a personal account where someone openly admits to their mistakes or reveals private details about their life
the crime of demanding money or benefits from someone by threatening to reveal secret or sensitive information about them
the act of using violence such as killing people, bombing, etc. to gain political power
the illegal act of purposefully damaging a property belonging to another person or organization
the illegal use of someone's name and personal information without their knowledge, particularly to gain money or goods
seizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an alternate destination
the crime of transporting or controlling people and forcing them to work in the sex trade or other forms of forced labor
the punishment in which an individual is made to stay in jail for the rest of their life, typically for committing a serious crime
using one's power or authority to do illegal things for personal gain or financial benefit
a state in which a person is kept in jail or prison, particularly while waiting to be tried