Perawatan Pribadi - Perawatan Rambut
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan perawatan rambut seperti "brush", "crimp", dan "dye".
Kartu flash
to blow and dry hair and style it in a particular fashion using a dryer

mengeringkan rambut, menggayakan rambut

to put a substance on the hair or skin in order to make it healthy and smooth


to form or shape hair into a series of loops or spirals using a curling iron, rollers, or other styling tools

menggulung, melengkungkan

to remove lice or similar insects from someone's hair or an animals coating

membersihkan kutu, menghilangkan kutu

(of hair, makeup, or outfit) to rearrange in order to look nice and tidy

rapikan, memperbaiki

the skill or action of cutting and arranging hair in a beautiful way

penataan rambut, gaya rambut

the action or process of dressing someone's hair in a particular fashion

penataan, gaya

to spend time in front of a mirror to arrange hair and fix makeup or appearance in an attractive and elaborate way

merias, dandan

to arrange wet hair in a way that stays the same after being dried

menetapkan, merapikan

the activity of keeping tidy and neat by brushing hair, keeping clothes clean, etc.

perawatan, penataan

to comb hair in the opposite direction that it naturally lies in order to make it look thicker

menyisir, menyisir secara terbalik

to make hair appear thick and full-bodied

memberikan volume, membuat lebih tebal

to become or to cause something, such as tangled hair, become separated

mengurai, melepaskan

to twist two or three strands of hair in a way that forms a single intertwined piece

menjuntai, merajut

to use a tool with narrow, evenly spaced teeth to untangle and arrange hair

menggaruk, menyisir

to make parts of the hair a shade lighter than the rest using chemical substances

menyoroti, mencerahkan

to cut hair at different lengths in a way that forms overlapping layers

memotong lapisan, menyusun lapisan

to divide someone's hair in two parts with a comb creating a line on the scalp

memisahkan, membagi

to make a straight hair become curly for a period of time, using chemicals

perm, mengeriting

to twist two or three strands of hair in a way that forms a single intertwined piece

menjari, melintir

to comb or style one's hair by smoothing it away from the face using a grooming product like gel or pomade, creating a sleek and neat appearance

menyisir ke belakang, membuat rambut rapi ke belakang

to dry hair by gently squeezing or scrunching it to enhance natural curls, waves, or texture

memeras untuk mengeringkan, menggulung untuk mengeringkan

to wash something, like hair or carpets, using a special cleaning solution

shampoo, mencuci dengan shampoo

to use styling products or tools to flatten and tame the hair, making it appear smooth, sleek, and well-groomed

merata, rata

to mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained

menodai, bercak

to add height and texture to hair by gently combing it backward in small sections

tease, memberikan volume

to loosen or reduce curl or wave pattern in the hair for a straighter or smoother look, often using heat styling tools or techniques

meluruskan, menghaluskan

to style someone's hair with a light foamy product

menata rambut dengan mousse, mengaplikasikan mousse pada rambut

the practice and products used to maintain the health, cleanliness, and appearance of one's hair

perawatan rambut, produk rambut

to apply a natural plant-based dye, typically derived from the henna plant

menghena, mengoleskan henna

to apply a scented oil to hair to make it shiny

memomade, mengaplikasikan pomade