Kesulitan - Penerimaan & Bantuan
Pelajari idiom bahasa Inggris mengenai penerimaan dan kelegaan, seperti "melempar handuk" dan "ketenangan setelah badai".
Kartu flash
to gradually learn to accept or deal with something unpleasant
mengatasi sesuatu
to accept or tolerate a difficult or undesirable situation that one cannot change without complaint
menahan sesuatu
an unpleasant thing that requires acceptance in order for a certain thing to be achieved
sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan namun tidak bisa dihindari
to not try to interfere or make changes in a situation or with something that is already functioning satisfactorily to avoid causing unnecessary problems
to avoid getting involved with a person or thing or stop bothering them
tidak terlibat dalam sesuatu
to not allow negative things such as an unfair criticism, etc. to have any effect on one
tidak terpengaruh oleh sesuatu yang negatif atau mengecewakan
said to a person after they have an unpleasant or sad experience to encourage them to keep on living as they used to
hidup selalu seperti ini
something that is finally dealt with and does not bother one anymore
momen kelegaan dari masalah
to regain control of oneself after being in a bad mood or emotional state
mengatasi keadaan emosi negatif
to accept unpleasant or difficult things or situations, such as criticism or misfortune, without complaining
menghadapi sesuatu yang sulit
said after an unfortunate event to mean one must accept the situation as it is
kamu harus menerima apa yang terjadi
a peaceful time when things has improved following a period of difficulty, stress, or chaos
masa tenang setelah tragedi
a time when everything seems peaceful or fine before serious problems arise
periode tenang sebelum krisis yang tak terhindarkan
a situation that is an absolute disaster or is the worst thing that could possibly happen
akhir dunia
used for saying that one must continue an activity, performance, etc. despite any problem or difficulty
Anda harus melanjutkan meskipun ada kemunduran
used to say that one cannot control everything as bad things happen regardless
itulah hidup
to accept the fact that one has been defeated
menerima kekalahan
used for telling someone to accept and consider something as true or valid, usually after a disagreement or argument
Anda harus menerimanya, suka atau tidak