Ilmu Kedokteran - Cabang Umum Ilmu Kedokteran
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan cabang umum ilmu kedokteran, seperti "anatomi", "dermatologi", dan "serologi".
Kartu flash
a type of surgical procedure focused on reconstructing or restoring damaged or deformed tissue, often for cosmetic or functional improvement
the branch of science that is concerned with the physical structure of humans, animals, or plants
a branch of medicine that primarily focuses on male health, particularly reproductive system disorders
a medical specialty that deals with keeping patients pain-free and safe during surgeries or medical procedures using anesthesia
anestesi, anestesiologi
a branch of medicine concerned with diseases and disturbances associated with psychological and physiological effects of flying in airplanes
kedokteran penerbangan, medisin penerbangan
the branch of medical science that applies biological and physiological principles to medical research or practice
the scientific study of the skin, its structure, diseases, and functions
the practice or methods of identifying a disease, condition, or injury based on its signs and symptoms
diagnostik, penegakan diagnosis
the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals, particularly domestic ones
kedokteran hewan
the branch of medical science dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
the branch of medical science dealing with childbirth and obstetrics
the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of syphilis
the branch of medicine that is primarily concerned with identifying the symptoms of a disease
the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of disorders and injuries resulting from athletic activities
kedokteran olahraga, medisin olahraga
the branch of medical science focusing on the the physiological and biological effects of space flight on humans
kedokteran luar angkasa, medis luar angkasa
the branch of medicine concerned with the reactions and properties of blood serums, particularly in regard to its immunological properties and reactions
serologi, imunologi
a branch of medical science primarily focusing on the study of the causes and effects of disease or injury
the branch of anatomy that primarily focuses on the skeleton and bony structures
the branch of medical science concerned with the use of supportive mechanical devices
ortosis, ortopedi
the branch in medicine that primarily focuses on the distribution and control of diseases
the branch of medicine that focuses on providing the healthcare needs of families and individuals of all ages
kedokteran keluarga, kedokteran umum
the branch of medicine that addresses the physiology of dying, particularly the time and cause of death
medisina forensik, kedokteran forensik
the inspection of the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris in order to find out what is wrong with somebody
iridologi, studi iris
the branch of medicine concerned with childbirth and advising pregnant women
kebidanan, persalinan
the branch of medical science that primarily focuses on the study of viruses and virus-like agents
the branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions related to the feet and ankles
podiatri, pengobatan kaki
the branch of medical science that primarily focuses on the use of radiation for diagnosis and treatment
the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the study of drugs and their effects on living organisms
the branch of medicine that is concerned with children and their conditions
pediatri, ilmu kesehatan anak
the branch of medicine that is concerned with bones and muscles, and their diseases and injuries
the field of science that studies food and drink and their effects on the human body
a branch of medicine that focuses on the care and treatment of newborn infants
the scientific study and practice of promoting health and managing diseases through proper nutrition and dietary choices
the branch of medicine that primarily focuses on the study and treatment of diseases of the genital and urinary organs, particularly sexually transmitted diseases
kedokteran genitourinari, kedokteran organ genital dan saluran kemih
the branch of medicine that focuses on the healthcare of elderly people
the branch of medical science that is concerned with the study of the physical, mental, and social aspects of aging
the branch of biochemistry that deals with chemical processes in immunology
the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases without doing medical operations
ilmu kedokteran umum
a branch of medicine focused on enhancing the appearance of individuals through minimally invasive cosmetic procedures and treatments
kedokteran estetika, kedokteran kecantikan
the branch of medical science that aims to prevent and treat job-related illnesses and injuries
kedokteran kerja, medisin okupasi
the branch pathology dealing with the structure of diseased organs and tissues
anatomi morbid, anatomi patologis
the branch of medicine concerning with the classification of diseases
the branch of surgery that deals with bone repair or bone grafting
the branch of medical science devoted to the treatment of disease and injury by physical means, such as manipulation, massage, exercise, etc.
kedokteran fisik, kedokteran rehabilitasi
the branch of pharmacology focusing on the dosages of medicines and drugs
posologi, dosis
the branch of medicine that particularly focuses on methods of preventing the occurrence of disease
kedokteran preventif, prevensi medis
the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease and the use of therapeutic agents
terapeutik, pengobatan
the branch of pharmacology that focuses on the harmful effects of chemical, biological, and physical agents on people, animals, and the environment
a medical specialty that focuses on the immediate care and treatment of sudden, severe illnesses or injuries
kedokteran darurat
the study of genetic disorders and how they are inherited, diagnosed, managed, and prevented
genetika medis, medis genetik
a medical field that aims to repair and restore damaged tissues and organs in the body using innovative techniques and therapies
kedokteran regeneratif, kedokteran regenerasi
the branch of medical science that primarily focuses on the curative effects of electricity
elektroterapi, terapi listrik
the branch of medical science dealing with the use of radioactive materials in research, treatment, and diagnosis
kedokteran nuklir, kedokteran radioaktif