Personalità - Bello
Esplora gli idiomi inglesi che si riferiscono all'essere gentile, tra cui "con i piedi per terra" e "buono uovo".
used to describe a person who always manages to arrive or get things done at the agreed or proper time
a person who is innocent, kind, and agreeable
tranquillo e amichevole
to treat stupid or annoying people with kindness and patience
tratta le persone stupide con gentilezza e pazienza
used to refer to an individual with a positive intention to do good things and help other people
avere buone intenzioni
to refrain from doing anything that would harm or threaten the life of any person or animal
non danneggiare nessuno o niente
to keep one's talents or abilities hidden from others, particularly due to one's modesty
Nascondi le tue buone idee o talenti
a sympathetic person who tries to help those who are in trouble or in desperate need of help
persona reattiva
used to describe someone who is very friendly and sympathetic
used to describe someone who is completely innocent and does not have any moral flaws
si comporta molto bene
used to describe a very well-behaved and obedient individual, especially a child
used to describe an individual who behaves in a very kind and gentle way
molto gentile
someone who is much nicer and friendlier than they first appear
diamante grezzo
someone who avoids talking much and manages to convey their message in the most concise way possible
la persona che parla azamat sé
a very shy or modest individual who tries not to attract others' attention
violetta che si restringe