Verbi di Stile di Vita Fisico e Sociale - Verbi per il linguaggio del corpo e atti di affetto
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono al linguaggio del corpo e ad atti di affetto come "gesto", "wink" e "coccola".
to express a meaning with a movement of the hands, face, head, etc.
gesticolare, fare un gesto
to move one's head up and down as a sign of agreement, understanding, or greeting
to make a quick and involuntary movement in response to a surprise, pain, or fear
indietreggiare, sobbalzare
to make small, restless movements or gestures due to nervousness or impatience
to draw back involuntarily, often in response to fear, pain, embarrassment, or discomfort
farsi piccolo
to gently push or prod someone or something, often to get attention or suggest a course of action
to raise one's hand and move it from side to side to greet someone or attract their attention
salutare con la mano
to quickly open and close one eye as a sign of affection or to indicate something is a secret or a joke
strizzare l’occhio, ammiccare
to bring your eyebrows closer together showing anger, sadness, or confusion
aggrottare le ciglia
to momentarily raise one's shoulders to express indifference
alzare (le spalle)
to move in an uncomfortable or restless manner with twisting or contorted motions
contorcersi, agitarsi
to push out one's lips as an expression of displeasure, anger, or sadness
to twist our face in an ugly way because of pain, strong dislike, etc., or when trying to be funny
fare smorfie
to touch someone else's lips or other body parts with one's lips to show love, sexual desire, respect, etc.
to kiss briefly and affectionately
baciarsi brevemente, baciarsi affettuosamente
to engage in affectionate and intimate behavior, such as hugging, kissing, or cuddling
coccolare, abbracciare
to tightly and closely hold someone in one's arms, typically a person one loves
to hold someone tightly in one's arms, especially to show affection
to hold close in one's arms or embrace affectionately, especially in a loving or comforting manner
to hold someone or something in one's arms or hands gently and carefully
cullare, tenere tra le braccia