Mentális Folyamatok Igéi - Igék a megismeréshez és az észleléshez
Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol igét, amelyek a megismerésre és az észlelésre utalnak, mint például a „megért”, „megfejteni” és „megvalósítani”.
to know something's meaning, particularly something that someone says
érteni, felfogni
to understand or assign meaning to something
értelmezni, megérteni
to fully understand something, especially something complicated
megérteni, felfogni
to reach an understanding of a person's actions, motives, or personality
megérteni, kideríteni
to interpret or understand something that is difficult or unclear
dekódolni, értelmezni
to have a sudden or complete understanding of a fact or situation
ráébred, megért
to become clear, evident, or understood, particularly after some time
világossá válik, ráébred
(of thoughts and ideas) to come to someone's mind
eszébe jut, gondolni valakire
to understand and make sense of something after giving it a lot of thought
megérteni, felfogni
to understand the true intentions of something or someone
átlát, megérteni a valódi szándékokat
to know who a person or what an object is, because we have heard, seen, etc. them before
felismerni, azonosítani
to understand something through thought or reasoning
megkülönböztet, értelmez
to interpret a certain meaning from something
értelmezni, magyarázni
to be able to say who or what someone or something is
azonosítani, felismerni
to understand or become aware of something through thinking or consciousness
észlel, felfog
to pay attention and become aware of a particular thing or person
észlelni, megfigyelni
to gradually understand a concept, often accompanied by an emotional response
megérteni, felfogni
to recognize and mentally separate two things, people, etc.
megkülönböztet, felismer
to distinguish or identify between two things based on knowledge or familiarity
to use your mind to understand something, solve a problem, make a decision, etc. or to use it to consider someone or something
gondolni, töprengeni
to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter
következtetni, levonni
to understand information based on what is available
összegyűjt, megérteni
to grasp or comprehend something instinctively and without conscious reasoning
intuitív módon megérteni, megsejteni
to comprehend or interpret the meaning of something
észlelni, felfogni
to look at written or printed words or symbols and understand their meaning
to carefully read something from start to finish, often with the purpose of identifying errors
átfutni, ellenőrizni