B2レベルの単語リスト - Nature
ここでは、B2 学習者向けに用意された「生物多様性」、「環境保護主義者」、「森林破壊」など、自然に関する英単語を学習します。
the existence of a range of different plants and animals in a natural environment


a person who is concerned with the environment and tries to protect it

環境保護者, エコロジスト

the protection of the natural environment and resources from wasteful human activities

保護, 保存

the mainly green and red lights that appear in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth

オーロラ, 北極光

the rise and fall of the sea level, which happens regularly, as a result of the attraction of the sun and moon

潮の満ち引き, 潮

a substance from the inner layers of the earth which is erupted out of a volcanic mountain


a community of living organisms together with their physical environment, interacting as a system


(of a natural resource or source of energy) existing in limited amounts and not replaceable after being used

再生不可能な, 再生しない

a machine or engine that produces power from the pressure of a liquid or gas on a turning wheel

タービン, 蒸気タービン

power generated by any source of energy in a way that does not harm the environment or consume the natural resources of the earth

代替エネルギー, 再生可能エネルギー