
人間の行動に関するトピック関連動詞 - 法制度に関連する動詞










Categorized English Topic-Related Verbs of Human Actions
to punish

to cause someone suffering for breaking the law or having done something they should not have

罰する, 懲罰する

罰する, 懲罰する

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to sentence

to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

判決する, 宣告する

判決する, 宣告する

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to allege

to say something is the case without providing proof for it

主張する, 断言する

主張する, 断言する

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to accuse

to formally say that someone has done something wrong or illegal, often involving making specific charges against them

告発する, 非難する

告発する, 非難する

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to sue

to bring a charge against an individual or organization in a law court

訴える, 訴訟を起こす

訴える, 訴訟を起こす

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to bail

to release someone until their trial after they gave an amount of money to the court

保釈する, 保証金で釈放する

保釈する, 保証金で釈放する

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to entitle

to give someone the legal right to have or do something particular

権利を与える, 資格を与える

権利を与える, 資格を与える

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to prosecute

to try to charge someone officially with a crime in a court as the lawyer of the accuser

起訴する, 訴追する

起訴する, 訴追する

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to enact

to approve a proposed law

制定する, 承認する

制定する, 承認する

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to repeal

to officially cancel a law, regulation, or policy, making it no longer valid or in effect

廃止する, 無効にする

廃止する, 無効にする

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to impeach

to formally charge or accuse someone of a crime or misdemeanor

弾劾する, 解任する

弾劾する, 解任する

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to charge

to officially accuse someone of an offense

告訴する, 起訴する

告訴する, 起訴する

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to indict

to officially accuse a person of a crime

起訴する, 告発する

起訴する, 告発する

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to imprison

to put someone in prison or keep them somewhere and not let them go

監禁する, 拘束する

監禁する, 拘束する

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to jail

to put someone in a designated facility either as punishment or while waiting for legal proceedings

拘留する, 監禁する

拘留する, 監禁する

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to intern

to restrict someone's freedom by confining them, often done for security, control, or public safety reasons

抑留する, 収容する

抑留する, 収容する

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to incarcerate

to confine someone in prison or a similar facility due to legal reasons or as a form of punishment

投獄する, 監禁する

投獄する, 監禁する

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to acquit

to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime



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to litigate

to initiate legal action against another party or person

訴訟を起こす, 訴える

訴訟を起こす, 訴える

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to adjudicate

to make a formal decision or judgment about who is right in an argument or dispute

裁定する, 判決する

裁定する, 判決する

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to formalize

to make something legally valid

正式化する, 法的に有効にする

正式化する, 法的に有効にする

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to recuse

to formally object or challenge a judge's participation in a case, often due to concerns about their impartiality or potential conflicts of interest

辞退する, 忌避する

辞退する, 忌避する

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to penalize

to impose a punishment on someone for a wrongdoing or violation

罰する, ペナルティを科す

罰する, ペナルティを科す

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to subpoena

to officially summon someone to attend a court proceeding, produce evidence, or provide testimony under penalty of law

召喚する, 呼び出す

召喚する, 呼び出す

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to legalize

to permit something by law, granting people the right or freedom to do it

合法化する, 認可する

合法化する, 認可する

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to legislate

to create or bring laws into effect through a formal process



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to forfeit

to no longer be able to access a right, property, privilege, etc. as a result of violating a law or a punishment for doing something wrong

失う,  forfeiture

失う, forfeiture

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to testify

to make a statement as a witness in court saying something is true

証言する, 証明する

証言する, 証明する

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