C1レベルの単語リスト - 言語コンポーネント
(grammar) a form of a verb that functions as a noun and is formed by adding the suffix -ing to the base form of the verb

動名詞, 動名詞

(grammar) the form of a word that indicates whether one, two, or more things or people are being referred to

数, 番号

(grammar) each of the three classes of pronouns that refers to who is speaking, who is being spoken to, or others that are not present during the conversation

人, 文法的な人

(grammar) the form of a verb that indicates whether the subject does something or something is done to it

態 (文法), 能動態/受動態

(grammar) a class of words indicating whether they are feminine, masculine, or neuter

性, 文法上の性

the spoken form of a language specific to a certain region or people which is slightly different from the standard form in words and grammar


a group of words or a phrase that has a meaning different from the literal interpretation of its individual words, often specific to a particular language or culture

イディオム, 熟語

words, phrases, and expressions used by a specific group or profession, which are incomprehensible to others

専門用語, ジャーゴン

words or expressions that are very informal and more common in spoken form, used especially by a particular group of people, such as criminals, children, etc.

スラング, 俗語

a word or expression that is used instead of a harsh or insulting one in order to be more tactful and polite


to use punctuation marks in a text in order to make it more understandable

句読点を使う, 句読点を付ける

the punctuation mark : used to introduce a quotation, explanation, or list of items

コロン, コロン(句読点)

the punctuation mark ; used to separate the items in a list or to indicate a pause between two main clauses in a compound sentence


either of the symbols ( ) used in writing to enclose extra information that is given or to group a symbolic unit in logic or mathematics
