B2 수준 단어 목록 - 식품
여기에서는 B2 학습자를 위해 준비된 "pastry", "baguette", "mustard" 등과 같은 음식에 관한 영어 단어를 배웁니다.
a substance that consists of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon that provide heat and energy for the body, found in foods such as bread, pasta, fruits, etc.

탄수화물, 탄소 수화물

any of the various types of grass that produce grains such as wheat, barley, rye, etc., which can be used to make flour or bread

곡물, 시리얼

a baked good made from dough or batter, often sweetened or filled with ingredients like fruit, nuts, or chocolate

페이스트리, 과자

a plant with seeds, leaves, or flowers used for cooking or medicine, such as mint and parsley

허브, 향신료 식물

a light cream that is produced from regular cream and lactic acid bacteria

사우어 크림, 신 크림

a vegetable similar to a potato in shape that has a sweet taste and white flesh

고구마, 단고구마

the common grain that is used in making flour, taken from a cereal grass which is green and tall

밀, 밀가루

food made with pieces of meat and vegetables roasted or grilled on fire, typically on a skewer

케밥, 꼬치

a type of food made with meat, eggs, etc., baked in the shape of a loaf of bread

미트로프, 고기빵

a thick white dressing made with egg yolks, vegetable oil, and vinegar, served cold


a cold yellow or brown condiment with a hot taste taken from the seeds of a small plant with yellow flowers


a cold sauce made from tomatoes, which has a thick texture and is served with some food


a hard and colored candy often with a fruity taste, which is made of boiled corn syrup and sugar

하드 캔디, 단단한 사탕

a frozen dessert typically made from flavored water or fruit juice frozen around a stick

아이스바, 막대 아이스크림

a meal eaten in the evening, typically lighter than dinner and often the last meal of the day

저녁식사, 저녁