
의견 - 관점

"put out Feelers" 및 "moot point"와 같은 예를 통해 관점에 관한 영어 관용어를 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Opinion
long story short

used to indicate that one is not giving all the details of what happened but only the main points



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to put out feelers

to ask some questions in order to figure out what someone is thinking of or what their opinion about a particular person or thing is

질문을 통해 누군가의 관점을 결정

질문을 통해 누군가의 관점을 결정

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the other side of the coin

a different way of thinking or approaching a situation

다른 관점에서

다른 관점에서

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to coin a phrase

said before using a famous, overused, or made-up phrase



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to hold the floor

to be brave or sociable enough to deliver a lengthy public speech without allowing any interruption

공개적으로 말하기

공개적으로 말하기

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or else

used to imagine how things would be if the situation was different

다른 상황에서

다른 상황에서

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the other way around

used to emphasize that the exact opposite of what is said is true

누군가가 말한 것과 완전히 반대입니다.

누군가가 말한 것과 완전히 반대입니다.

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give and take

a situation in which two parties exchange ideas in order to find the best solution or approach to something

의견 교환

의견 교환

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to get a word in edgewise

to manage to state one's opinions regarding something after or in the middle of someone else's prolonged speech

자신을 증명할 기회

자신을 증명할 기회

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hot potato

a difficult or controversial issue or topic that is uncomfortable or risky to handle

논쟁의 여지가 있는 주제

논쟁의 여지가 있는 주제

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for the record

used before stating a fact that one wants someone to know or remember

당신이 모른다면

당신이 모른다면

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moot point

a subject about which there are different opinions or disagreements

논쟁의 여지가 있는 주제

논쟁의 여지가 있는 주제

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to broaden one's horizons

to expand one's knowledge, experiences, or perspectives, often by exploring new places, ideas, or cultures, with the aim of gaining a broader understanding of the world

누군가가 더 나은 것을 이해하도록 돕기

누군가가 더 나은 것을 이해하도록 돕기

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tunnel vision

a state when a person gets too focused on one thing, which can cause them to miss other important things

누군가가 넓게 생각할 수 없을 때

누군가가 넓게 생각할 수 없을 때

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in a bad light

in a way that makes someone look bad or incapable

나쁜 영향이나 영향을 미치다

나쁜 영향이나 영향을 미치다

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in a good light

in a way that highlights someone's positive qualities or capabilities

긍정적인 영향이나 영향을 끼치는 것

긍정적인 영향이나 영향을 끼치는 것

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for my money

used to express one's opinions or beliefs

내 생각에는

내 생각에는

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frame of mind

a temporary state of feeling that causes one to have a particular set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular person or thing

사람의 정신 상태

사람의 정신 상태

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in one's eyes

according to one’s opinion

누군가의 의견을 바탕으로

누군가의 의견을 바탕으로

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to read from the same page

to have the same thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc. about something

누군가와 합의하여

누군가와 합의하여

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to sing from the same hymn book

to express the same opinions or have the same understanding as someone else

누군가와 동의하는 것

누군가와 동의하는 것

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in a nutshell

used to summarize or describe something briefly



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