음악 - 음악 제작, 연주 및 녹음
여기서는 "busk", "conduct", "remaster" 등 음악 제작, 연주, 녹음과 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
to play or perform something loudly, energetically, or enthusiastically

강하게 연주하다, 열정적으로 공연하다

to make a rhythmic sound by hitting something consistently, commonly used in the context of music or drumming

치다, 타격하다

to clap hands rhythmically or percussively during a performance, either by musicians or the audience

박수치다, 손뼉치다

to arrange or compose music for performance by an orchestra or other ensemble

편곡하다, 작곡하다

to play with force and vigor, often producing a repetitive and intense sound on musical instruments

세게 연주하다, 강하게 타격하다

to speak or chant rhythmically and in a unique style, often accompanied by music

랩하다, 리듬감 있게 말하다

to improve the quality of a previously recorded or mastered work, such as music or film, to achieve higher audio or visual fidelity

리마스터하다, 재마스터하다

to take or record a small piece of music or sound digitally, in order to be used in a new composition


to read and perform a piece of written music at first sight without prior preparation

즉흥적으로 읽다, 즉석에서 연주하다

to play a stringed instrument by sweeping the fingers lightly across the strings

스트럼하다, 줄을 튕기다

to articulate the beginning of a note on a wind instrument by briefly interrupting the airflow with the tongue

명확하게 발음하다, 공기를 차단하다

to adapt a musical composition originally intended for one instrument, voice, or ensemble so that it can be performed by another

필기하다, 편곡하다

to produce a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes, usually a semitone or a whole tone apart

트릴하다, 트릴을 만들다

to make a high-pitched sound by forcing air out through one's partly closed lips

휘파람을 불다, 휘파람을 불다

to sing a piece such as a psalm, canticle, etc. in a limited range of notes and with a repetitive tone

송창하다, 노래하다

to create and perform words of a play, music, etc. on impulse and without preparation, particularly because one is forced to do so

즉흥적으로 하다

to play music along other musicians without practicing and as an act of improvisation

즉흥 연주하다, 함께 연주하다

to make the final version of a musical rendition or movie from which copies can be made

마스터하다, 완료하다

to produce a new version of a recorded piece of music by rearranging or adding new pieces to it, using a special device

리믹스하다, 재구성하다

to give a performance of something such as a play or a piece of music for entertainment

공연하다, 연주하다

to perform as the secondary act in a pop or rock concert, usually before the main performers

서포트하다, 오프닝 공연을 하다

to play a musical instrument, typically a wind instrument, with great force or intensity, producing a loud and powerful sound

강하게 연주하다, 불다