Essentiële Woordenschat voor de GRE - Neem de wet in uw handen!
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden over recht, zoals "cuff", "infringe", "litigate", etc. die nodig zijn voor het GRE-examen.
a written statement affirmed by oath that can be used as evidence in court

verklaring onder ede, affidavit

to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime


a legal process of declaring a marriage or any type of official contract null and void as if it had never existed

ontbinding, nietigheid

legally required to be followed and cannot be avoided

bindend, verplicht

a legal document that transfers a right or property from one person to another

overdrachtsakte, overeenkomsten van overdracht

to add a second signature to a document or agreement to verify its authenticity; serving as a form of validation of the primary signature

tegenondertekenen, tweede handtekenen

to restrain someone by securing their wrists together, often using a device, commonly done by law enforcement during an arrest or to maintain control

boeien, vastbinden

a financial pact with details about interest rates and when the borrowed money will be paid back, not tied to any specific belongings

debentuur, obligatie

an official authoritative decision or judgment, especially one made by a government or the ruler of a country

decreet, besluit

to create a plan, document, or written agreement, often in a formal or official context

opstellen, opmaken

the process of a governmental figure bringing charges against a government official and marking the first step toward potential removal from office

impeachment, schuldverklaring

a group of certified people who are chosen to examine legal problems at the court

tribunaal, rechtbank

an official investigation that is held in front of a jury; especially in cases associated with death by unnatural causes

onderzoek, rechtszitting

the condition of dying without a valid will, leaving the distribution of one's estate to be determined by the laws of intestate succession rather than specific instructions in a will

intestatie, afwezigheid van testament

the part of a country's government that administers the legal system, including all its judges

de rechterlijke macht, de rechtspraak

a law or a set of laws passed by a legislative body, such as a parliament

wetgeving, wet

officially allowed or accepted according to the rules or laws that apply to a particular situation

legitiem, wettig

a group of elected officials responsible for making and changing laws in a government or state

wetgevende macht

to initiate legal action against another party or person

procederen, een rechtszaak aanspannen

a person who acts as a judge in a law court and deals with minor offenses

magistraat, rechter

a document outlining the terms of understanding or agreement between parties, often used in legal or business contexts

memorandum, notitie

to reverse, abolish, or invalidate something, especially a legal decision

tenietdoen, ongeldig maken

to discharge a criminal from the legal consequences of a conviction or violation

vergeven, gratief

(law) the permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their imprisonment sentence, on the condition of good conduct

voorwaardelijke vrijlating, proeftijd

a person who brings a lawsuit against someone else in a court

aanklager, eiser

to state in a court of law, in front of the judge and the jury, whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime

pleiten, verdedigen

actions taken in a court of law in order to settle an argument

procedures, rechtszaken

an agreed-upon condition or requirement outlined in an agreement, law, or document

bepaling, clausule

the process of bringing someone to court in an attempt to prove their guilt

vervolging, aanklacht

an official statement according to which one gives up their legal right or claim

afstand, vrijstelling

to announce that something is no longer legally valid or binding

nietig verklaren, ongeldig maken

a formal statement saying something is true, particularly made by a witness in court

getuigenis, verklaring

to make a statement as a witness in court saying something is true

getuigen, verklaren

to follow the rules, commands, or wishes of someone, showing compliance to their authority

naleven, volgen

to send a case back to a court of lower authority for additional reconsideration or review

terugverwijzen, terugsturen