Invloed en Betrokkenheid - Priority
Ontdek hoe Engelse idiomen als 'op een laag pitje staan' en 'aan de slag gaan' zich verhouden tot prioriteit in het Engels.
a state of low priority where something is set aside to be dealt with later

lager prioriteit, op de lange baan

used when one has to focus on the simplest and most important facts of a situation, particularly those that one was ignoring, in order to get the intended result
an individual who is not as important or influential as someone else in an organization

tweede man, assistente

a person who does not receive as much attention or is not as influential as someone else in a group or organization

tweede viool, ondergeschikte rol

to be placed in a less important or weaker position compared to that of someone else
used to state that there are more important things that one must do or consider before trying to deal with other things
something that is not being thought about or considered, often due to more pressing or immediate concerns
an alternative that is not as fulfilling or desirable as other options that one has

tweede beste, alternatief