Bijvoeglijke Naamwoorden die Zintuiglijke Ervaringen Beschrijven - Bijvoeglijke naamwoorden van voedsel
Deze bijvoeglijke naamwoorden beschrijven de kwaliteiten, smaken en kenmerken van verschillende culinaire aanbiedingen.
having a flavor that is pleasent to eat or drink
heerlijk, smakelijk
(of food) looking or smelling so delicious that it makes one's want to eat it immediately
watertanden, heerlijk
(of food or drink) having a pleasant taste
smakelijk, heerlijk
(of food) having a rich, sweet, and appealing flavor
heerlijk, lekker
extremely tasty and satisfying to eat
heerlijke, smakelijke
(of food) having a lot of liquid and tasting fresh or flavorful
sapig, sappig
firm and making a crisp sound when pressed, stepped on, or chewed
krokant, knapperig
(of fruit or crop) fully developed and ready for consumption
rijp, volgroeid
(of food) containing substances that are good for the growth and health of the body
voedzaam, nutritief
(of food, particularly cake and bread) not fresh anymore, due to exposure to air or prolonged storage
oud, verouderd
(of food) having a hard or crisp covering or outer layer
knapperig, hard
(of food) containing starch in large amounts
zetmeelachtig, rijk aan zetmeel
(of food) looking or smelling appealing and tasty, often making one eager to eat it
appetijtelijk, lekker
(of food) having been preserved in a solution of vinegar or salt water
ingelegde, gemarineerde
(of drinks) carbonated and having bubbles of gas
bubbelend, koolzuurhoudend
(of food, particularly meat or fish) having the bones taken out for easier consumption
zonder been, zonder bot
(of food) requiring to be chewed a lot in order to be swallowed easily
kauwbaar, taai
(of food) not containing added salt
zoutvrij, zonder zout
(of food) having a firm, dry texture that makes a sharp, crunching sound when broken or bitten
knapperig, krokant
(of food) having a sharp, strong, and refreshing taste
kruidig, verfrissend
flavored with a combination of aromatic ingredients
gekruid, kruidig
(of food) heated or cooked until pleasantly warm, often slightly roasted or browned
geroosterd, warm
having a sweet taste, often resembling or containing sugar
suikerrijk, zoet
(of food) flavored with spices, herbs, or other ingredients to improve its taste and smell
gekruid, geassorteerd