Woordenschat voor IELTS (Academisch) - Society
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden over de samenleving, zoals "citizen", "rank", "peer", etc. die nodig zijn voor het IELTS-examen.
someone whose right of belonging to a particular state is legally recognized either because they are born there or are naturalized

burger, burgerin

a group of people having the same economic or social status in a particular society

klasse, categorie

the practice of involving many people from different cultures, social backgrounds, sexual orientations, etc.

diversiteit, verscheidenheid

relating to a group of people with shared culture, tradition, history, language, etc.

etnisch, betreffende een etnische groep

the social class between the upper and lower classes that includes professional and business people


a small group of people who differ in race, religion, etc. and are often mistreated by the society

minderheid, kleine groep

a person who has the power to rule over a kingdom or empire, especially someone who inherits this power

monarch, heerser

harmful or unfair actions, words, or thoughts directed at people of different races, often based on the idea that one’s own race is more intelligent, moral, or worthy


the position that a person has in a society or organization in relation to others

rang, positie

the scientific study of human society, its nature, structure, and development, as well as social behavior


the social class consisting of people with the lowest position in society and the least money

onderklasse, lage klasse

the study of the origins and developments of the human race and its societies and cultures

antropologie, menswetenschap

the legal status of being a member of a certain country

burgerschap, nationaliteit

officially relating to or connected with a city or town

civiek, gemeentelijk

the statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, and ethnicity

demografisch, demografische groep

a person of the same age, social status, or capability as another specified individual

even oude, peer

an old person, especially someone who is retired

senior burger, ouderen

lower in rank or status in comparison with someone or something else

lager, minder

higher in status or rank in comparison with someone or something else

superieur, hogere

people born and living at approximately the same period of time

generatie, tijdperk

each of the main groups into which humans can be divided based on their physical attributes such as the color of their skin

ras, etniciteit

a social group made up of people who hold the highest social position and are usually quite wealthy

hoge klasse, bovenklasse

a social class that consists of people with low incomes who do manual or industrial work

arbeidersklasse, werknemersklasse

a person who holds strong opinions about race, religion or politics and is intolerable of differing views

bigot, intolerant

a small group of people in a society who enjoy a lot of advantages because of their economic, intellectual, etc. superiority

de elite

the movement that supports equal treatment of men and women and believes women should have the same rights and opportunities


one of a series of rights that every human being must have

mensenrecht, recht van de mens