Podstawowe Słownictwo do TOEFL - Społeczeństwo i problemy społeczne
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych ze społeczeństwem i kwestiami społecznymi, takimi jak „arystokracja”, „tolerancja”, „feminizm” itp., które są potrzebne do egzaminu TOEFL.
a group of people having the same economic or social status in a particular society
![klasa, kategoria](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
klasa, kategoria
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people in the highest class of society who have a lot of power and wealth and usually high ranks and titles
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someone whose right of belonging to a particular state is legally recognized either because they are born there or are naturalized
![obywatel, obywatelka](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
obywatel, obywatelka
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someone or something's professional or social position relative to that of others
![status, pozycja](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
status, pozycja
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a financial aid provided by the government for people who are sick, unemployed, etc.
![opieka społeczna, wsparcie socjalne](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
opieka społeczna, wsparcie socjalne
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willingness to accept behavior or opinions that are against one's own
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the fact or condition of being male, female or non-binary that people identify themselves with based on social and cultural roles
![płeć, gender](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
płeć, gender
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related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with women
![kobiecy, feminine](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
kobiecy, feminine
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related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with men
![męski, masculin](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
męski, masculin
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the movement that supports equal treatment of men and women and believes women should have the same rights and opportunities
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each of the main groups into which humans can be divided based on their physical attributes such as the color of their skin
![rasa, etnia](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
rasa, etnia
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the state of belonging to a certain ethnic group
![etniczność, przynależność etniczna](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
etniczność, przynależność etniczna
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relating to or involving several different cultures
![wielokulturowy, wielokulturowa](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
wielokulturowy, wielokulturowa
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the whole world considered as a small place because of being closely connected by modern communication systems
![globalna wioska, światowa wioska](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
globalna wioska, światowa wioska
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a situation where there is a lack of fairness or equal treatment between individuals or groups
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the differences between men and women's rights, opportunities, and treatment in society
![luka płacowa, nierówności płci](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
luka płacowa, nierówności płci
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to unfairly treat a person or group of people based on their sex, race, etc.
![dyskryminować, stosować dyskryminację](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
dyskryminować, stosować dyskryminację
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the practice of involving many people from different cultures, social backgrounds, sexual orientations, etc.
![różnorodność, dywersyfikacja](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
różnorodność, dywersyfikacja
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higher in status or rank in comparison with someone or something else
![lepszy, wyższy](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
lepszy, wyższy
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lower in rank or status in comparison with someone or something else
![niższy, gorszy](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
niższy, gorszy
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the policy of separating a group of people from the rest based on racial, sexual, or religious grounds and discriminating against them
![segregacja, izolacja](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
segregacja, izolacja
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the fact or condition of not having a home
![bezdomność, brak miejsca zamieszkania](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
bezdomność, brak miejsca zamieszkania
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an unfair treatment based on the belief that one gender, particularly female, is weaker, less intelligent, or less important than the other
![seksizm, dyskryminacja ze względu na płeć](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
seksizm, dyskryminacja ze względu na płeć
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harmful or unfair actions, words, or thoughts directed at people of different races, often based on the idea that one’s own race is more intelligent, moral, or worthy
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a medical condition caused by drinking an excessive amounts of alcohol on a regular basis
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the inability to stop using or doing something, particularly something harmful or unhealthy
![uzależnienie, nałóg](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
uzależnienie, nałóg
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a display of support for or protest against something or someone by a march or public meeting
![demonstracja, manifestacja](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
demonstracja, manifestacja
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a small group of people who differ in race, religion, etc. and are often mistreated by the society
![mniejszość, grupa mniejszościowa](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
mniejszość, grupa mniejszościowa
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an unreasonable opinion or judgment based on dislike felt for a person, group, etc., particularly because of their race, sex, etc.
![uprzedzenie, stronniczość](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
uprzedzenie, stronniczość
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a situation where a person or animal dies or greatly suffers from having no food for a long time
![głód, niedożywienie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
głód, niedożywienie
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(often plural) a very poor and overpopulated area of a city or town in which the houses are not in good condition
![slums, dzielnica nędzy](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
slums, dzielnica nędzy
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a place in which very poor people are provided with food and housing
![schronienie, azyl](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
schronienie, azyl
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a person who is forced to leave their own country because of war, natural disaster, etc.
![uchodźca, uchodźczyni](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
uchodźca, uchodźczyni
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unpaid work done either as a form of punishment by a criminal or as a voluntary service by a citizen
![prace na rzecz społeczności, usługi społeczne](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/pl.png)
prace na rzecz społeczności, usługi społeczne
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