
Eșec - Inutilitatea

Scufundați-vă în idiomuri englezești referitoare la inutilitate, cum ar fi „goose wild chase” și „boil the ocean”.




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English idioms related to Failure
to bring owls to Athens

to put effort into doing something unproductive and completely unnecessary

depunând un efort risipitor

depunând un efort risipitor

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to carry coals to Newcastle

to undertake something that is pointless

depunând un efort risipitor

depunând un efort risipitor

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to chase rainbows

to pursue a goal or aspiration that is unrealistic or unlikely to be achieved

to be for naught

to completely fail to produce the intended or expected effect

eșuând complet

eșuând complet

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to come to nothing

to fail to achieve the desired results

nereusind sa obtina vreun succes

nereusind sa obtina vreun succes

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down the drain

used to refer to something, such as a chance, idea, etc., that has been completely wasted or neglected

irosit (șansă etc.)

irosit (șansă etc.)

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to fall on stony ground

to fail to produce or achieve the desired result

nereusind sa obtina rezultatul dorit

nereusind sa obtina rezultatul dorit

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to go nowhere

to fail to achieve success despite the attempts made

ramanand fara succes

ramanand fara succes

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in circles

with no success achieved or no progress made

infructuos și nereușit

infructuos și nereușit

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to milk the bull

to engage in a fruitless or pointless activity

depunând un efort risipitor

depunând un efort risipitor

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to pay too dearly for one's whistle

to waste too much money, resources, or effort on doing something that proves to be unfulfilling in the end

suportând pierderi financiare grele

suportând pierderi financiare grele

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wild goose chase

a pursuit or search for something that is unlikely to produce any useful result

goană sau căutare inutilă

goană sau căutare inutilă

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wise after the event

to come to realize what could have been done to prevent something bad from happening after it has already happened

gândindu-se la o soluție după o nenorocire

gândindu-se la o soluție după o nenorocire

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to boil the ocean

to make an attempt to achieve something that seems extremely difficult or even impossible

realizarea a ceva aparent dificil sau imposibil

realizarea a ceva aparent dificil sau imposibil

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to wave a dead chicken

to engage in a futile or meaningless action in an attempt to resolve a problem or accomplish a task

acțiune zadarnică

acțiune zadarnică

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to put (a) lipstick on a pig

to make a fruitless attempt in order to make something look more beautiful or successful

încercare infructuoasă de a face ceva să arate mai bine

încercare infructuoasă de a face ceva să arate mai bine

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to whistle in the wind

to make a fruitless attempt to solve a problem

depunând un efort risipitor

depunând un efort risipitor

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to argue the toss

to disagree with or continue arguing about a decision that is already made

dezacord cu o decizie finală

dezacord cu o decizie finală

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