Listă de Cuvinte Nivel B1 - Natura și Regiunile
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre natură și regiuni, cum ar fi „pădure”, „înaltă”, „canion”, etc., pregătite pentru cursanții B1.
Fișe de studiu
a large area of land or of the world with specific characteristics, which is usually borderless
regiune, zonă
a tropical forest with many plants growing densely
junglă, pădure tropicală
a piece of land covered in grass and sometimes wild flowers, often used for hay
pajiște, fâneață
a group of mountains or hills in a line
lanț muntos, masiv muntos
a hole or chamber formed underground naturally by rocks gradually breaking down over time
peșteră, grota
an area of rock that is high above the ground with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea
stâncă, stâncă abruptă
having a surface that is covered with large, uneven, or rough rocks, stones, or boulders
stâncos, pietros
a valley that is deep and has very steep sides, through which a river is flowing usually
canion, vâlcea
a high place, such as a cliff, from which a river or stream falls
cascadă, cădere de apă
the boundary between land and water, particularly as seen on a map or from above
linie de coastă, țărm
a pale brown substance that consists of very small pieces of rock, which is found in deserts, on beaches, etc.
a long and artificial passage built and filled with water for ships to travel along or used to transfer water to other places
canal, canale
a wide stretch of water that connects two larger areas of water, particularly two seas
canal, strâmtoare
the average height of the surface of the ocean in relation to the land, measured over a specific period of time
nivelul mării, înălțimea mării
an area under the protection of a government, where people can visit, for its wildlife, beauty, or historical sights
parc național, rezervație națională
a mountain with an opening on its top, from which melted rock and ash can be pushed out into the air