Landtransport - Tåg och lokdelar
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till tåg- och lokdelar som "cowcatcher", "boiler" och "firebox".
a metal or plastic plaque that displays important information about a piece of machinery or equipment

byggplåt, plakett för tillverkare

a device mounted at the front of a locomotive to clear obstacles from the tracks

kollisionsskydd, hinderröjare

a device on a vehicle that uses compressed air to slow down or stop its motion

luftbroms, pneumatisk broms

a braking system that uses suction to apply brakes, commonly found in older railway systems

vakuumbroms, vakuumbromssystem

a safety device used to stop the train quickly in urgent situations

nödbroms, säkerhetsbroms

a lever used to control the direction of movement of the train's engine

återkopplingshandtag, reverseringshandtag

a closed vessel in which water is heated to create steam or hot water, used for heating buildings, producing electricity, or powering machines


a mechanical device used to automatically feed coal into a furnace or boiler to sustain continuous operation

kolskuffare, automatiskt kolmatningssystem

a device used in power plants to preheat water before it enters the boiler

matevattenvärmare, värmeväxlare för matande vatten

the chamber in a steam locomotive where fuel is burned to heat water and produce steam

eldkammare, ugn

a container for storing sand, used to improve traction between the wheels of a train and the rails

sandlåda, sandssystem

a part of a steam engine where smoke and gases from burning fuel exit into the atmosphere

rökrum, rökkammare

a loud device used by trains to signal their approach or presence

tåghorn, tågsignal

a device mounted on locomotives and some railcars that emits a loud, high-pitched sound to signal warnings or communicate with personnel and other trains


a bright lamp mounted on the front of a locomotive or train to illuminate the tracks ahead and improve safety during night travel

dike lampa, gräsljus

a large metal disk that rotates to help a train move along tracks

tåg hjul, järnvägshjul

a set of wheels and axles used in various types of rolling stock, such as freight cars or passenger coaches

boggie, hjulpar

the rear car of a freight train where the crew monitors operations and controls the brakes

bromans caboose, bromaskin

any of the separate sections within a passenger train carriage, typically enclosed by walls and equipped with seats

kupé, avdelning

a small, enclosed area between train cars where passengers can move from one car to another

vestibul, gång

a rigid bar that connects the wheels of adjacent railway vehicles to synchronize their movement

kopplingsstav, kopplingsstång

a device used by railway personnel to operate the couplers between train cars

avskiljningsspak, avskiljningshandtag