
Medya ve İletişim - Reklam

Burada "ciro", "hedef kitle" ve "marka kimliği" gibi reklamcılıkla ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Words Related to Media and Communication

the act or process of selling or advertising a product or service, usually including market research




the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design




the activity of drawing public attention to a service or product in order to help it sell more



target audience

the specific group of people that a product, service, or message is designed to appeal to and meet their specific needs or interests

hedef kitle

hedef kitle

brand identity

the combination of visual and emotional elements that distinguish a brand and shape its perception among consumers

marka kimliği

marka kimliği

advertising agency

a company that helps other businesses to create and promote advertisements for their products or services

reklam ajansı

reklam ajansı


a specific instruction or prompt given to the audience, encouraging them to take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, contacting a business, or engaging in some form of interaction or response

eylem çağrısı

eylem çağrısı


an advertisement broadcast on TV or radio




a piece of advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, designed to seem like an objective article and not an advertisement

reklam kuşağı

reklam kuşağı

classified advertising

a form of advertising that is typically text-based and organized into specific categories, such as job listings, real estate, vehicles, and personal services

sınıflandırılmış reklam

sınıflandırılmış reklam

digital advertising

the promotion of products, services, or brands using digital channels and technologies to reach and engage with specific audiences online

dijital reklamcılık

dijital reklamcılık


a statement, especially by someone famous, as a form of advertisement claiming they are approved of a product




a brief advertisement or announcement that is published in a newspaper, magazine, etc.




a printed promotional material, such as a leaflet or flyer, that is included within a publication to provide additional information or advertising content




the act of writing text for advertising or other forms of marketing communications to persuade or influence people to take some action

tanıtım metni yazarlığı

tanıtım metni yazarlığı


a symbol or design used to represent a company or organization




a short memorable phrase that is used in advertising to draw people's attention toward something



print advertising

the use of printed media, such as newspapers, magazines, brochures, flyers, or direct mail, to communicate and promote products, services, or messages to a targeted audience

basılı reklamcılık

basılı reklamcılık

public service announcement

a message or advertisement that promotes public welfare or safety, typically created by government agencies or nonprofit organizations

kamu spotu

kamu spotu

tv spot

a short video advertisement that promotes a product, service, or brand on television

televizyon reklamı

televizyon reklamı

radio spot

a brief audio advertisement that promotes a product, service, or brand on radio stations

radyo reklamı

radyo reklamı

commercial bumper

a short video or audio clip that is placed before or after a commercial break, typically used to introduce or transition into a commercial advertisement, provide branding, or deliver a brief message to viewers or listeners

programın kısa tanıtımı

programın kısa tanıtımı

outdoor media

advertisements or promotional messages displayed in public spaces, such as billboards and digital screens, targeting audiences outside of their homes or workplaces

açık hava medyası

açık hava medyası


a short catchy tune, often used in advertising




a type of advertising or informational material that is inserted into a package or product

dış ambalaj reklamı

dış ambalaj reklamı

ad creep

the gradual and increasing infiltration of advertisements into various aspects of daily life, often extending beyond traditional advertising spaces

reklam fırsatçılığı

reklam fırsatçılığı

media weight

the allocation of advertising budgets across different media channels, determining the relative proportion of investment to reach the target audience effectively

medya ağırlığı

medya ağırlığı

media multiplier

the amplification of an advertising message or campaign's impact through multiple channels or platforms, maximizing the reach, engagement, and overall effectiveness of the advertising efforts

medya katlayıcı etkisi

medya katlayıcı etkisi

media planning

the process of identifying the most effective combination of media channels to reach a target audience with a message, product, or service

medya planlaması

medya planlaması

direct mail

a marketing strategy in which promotional materials, such as letters, postcards, brochures, or catalogs, are sent directly to potential customers or targeted recipients through the postal service

ticari reklam amacıyla kişilerin doğrudan posta kutularına gönderilen basılı materyal

ticari reklam amacıyla kişilerin doğrudan posta kutularına gönderilen basılı materyal


a short promotional description of a book, motion picture, etc. published on the cover of a book or in an advertisement

kitap tanıtım yazısı

kitap tanıtım yazısı

want ad

a small advertisement published in a newspaper or website, expressing requirements of a person or company

iş ilanları

iş ilanları


an ad or notice in a publication, categorically arranged, offering goods, services, jobs, or information

bir gazete veya dergideki kısa reklam

bir gazete veya dergideki kısa reklam

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specialized or focused on a specific market or audience



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pyramid selling

a form of multi-level marketing where profit is derived primarily from recruiting others into the scheme, rather than from legitimate product sales

çoklu seviye pazarlama

çoklu seviye pazarlama

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a novel device or strategy designed to attract attention or increase appeal, often considered superficial or short-lived



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a business entity, organization, or company engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities

ticari veya endüstriyel şirket

ticari veya endüstriyel şirket

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elevator pitch

a brief, persuasive speech used to spark interest in an idea, product, or project, typically lasting no more than 20-30 seconds

bir şeyin kısa açıklaması

bir şeyin kısa açıklaması

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guerrilla marketing

the marketing strategies to promote a product a brand, often relying on creativity and surprise to attract attention

kurnaz pazarlama stratejisi

kurnaz pazarlama stratejisi

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positioning strategy

a plan to differentiate a product or brand in the minds of consumers, often by emphasizing unique qualities or things that set it apart from competitors

Bir ürünün benzersiz özelliklerinin vurgulanması

Bir ürünün benzersiz özelliklerinin vurgulanması

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