لسانیات - Semantics
یہاں آپ سیمنٹکس سے متعلق کچھ انگریزی الفاظ سیکھیں گے جیسے کہ "مترادف"، "epithet"، اور "signifier"۔
فلیش کارڈز
the relationship between words or expressions that have similar or identical meanings, or nearly identical meanings, in a particular context or language

ہم معنی

the relationship between words or expressions that have opposite or contrasting meanings


a hierarchical relationship between words, where one word, the hyponym, represents a more specific or subordinate category within the meaning of another word, the hypernym

ہائپونیمی, ہائپونیم کی تعلق

something or someone that is the most common example of a particular group, class, etc.

پروٹوٹائپ, ماڈل

a linguistic phenomenon where words share the same form but have different meanings, contributing to lexical ambiguity and requiring context for proper interpretation

ہم نامی

a linguistic phenomenon where different words have the same or similar pronunciation but may have different spellings and meanings, resulting in potential confusion and ambiguity in oral communication

ہم صوتی, لسانی ہم صوتی

the phenomenon in language where a single word has multiple related meanings or senses

کئی معنوں کا ہونا, پولیسیمی

a type of figurative language that involves the unconventional or strained use of words, often resulting in an unexpected or exaggerated expression

کیٹاکریسیس, کیٹاچریس

the extent or range of meaning that a word, phrase, or grammatical construction has within a sentence or discourse

دائرہ, حد

the way in which language expresses the speaker's or writer's attitude, opinion, or degree of certainty regarding a statement or proposition


a graphical representation or structure that depicts relationships between concepts or entities in a language or knowledge domain

سیمانٹک نیٹ ورک, معنوی گراف

the specific meaning or interpretation of a word in a given context or language

لفظ کی تشریح, لفظ کا معنی

the study of how one word's meaning represents a specific way or type of another word's meaning within a particular category or field of language


a grammatical concept that represents the relationship between a noun phrase and the action or state described by a verb, indicating the role or function of the noun phrase in the event or situation

تھیماٹک کردار, تھیماٹک فنکشن

a psychological phenomenon where repeated exposure to a word or phrase leads to a temporary loss of its meaning or sense of familiarity

معنوی تسہیل, مفہومی تسہیل

a sequence of words or terms in a text that are semantically related or connected by their meaning

لفظی زنجیر, اصطلاحی زنجیر

a group or set of words that are related in meaning and share a common semantic theme or category

معنوی میدان, موضوعاتی میدان

the connections or associations between words or concepts based on their meaning

معنوی تعلق, سمانی تعلق

a cognitive mechanism in which abstract or complex ideas are understood and expressed in terms of more concrete or familiar concepts

تصوری استعارہ, علمی استعارہ

a cognitive process in which one concept is understood or represented in terms of another concept based on a conceptual or cognitive association between them, often involving contiguity or a part-whole relationship

تصوری میٹونیمی, علمی میٹونیمی

a grammatical role or semantic role that refers to the entity that performs or initiates an action or event in a sentence or a clause

ایجنٹ, فعل کرنے والا

a process where the meaning of a word or concept expands or becomes more inclusive, encompassing a wider range of referents or interpretations than its original or core meaning


a word or phrase applied to something to convey its character or essence in a descriptive sense

لقب, تفصیلی لفظ

the specific sense or interpretation attributed to a word in a particular context

لفظ کا معنی, مفہوم

a situation where a language lacks a specific word or lexical item to express a particular concept or meaning

واقعاً خلا, بغیر ارادہ خلا

a word that carries semantic meaning and contributes to the overall content and understanding of a sentence, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs

مواد کا لفظ, لفظی لفظ

a linguistic concept that describes the relationship between a word that represents a whole object and a word that represents a part or subset of that object


a structured system of signs, symbols, or codes that are used to communicate meaning within a particular context or domain

علامت نظام, سگنل نظام

a type of definition that uses the term being defined as part of the definition itself, resulting in an uninformative or logically flawed explanation

دایرہ وار تعریف, چکر دار تعریف

a term used in semantics and linguistics to refer to a word that represents a whole or complete entity, while its parts are referred to as meronyms


(grammar) one of two or more words that are spelled the same but differ in meaning


a word or phrase that describes or provides information about something

وصف کنندہ, تشریحی لفظ

the objective and dictionary-based meaning of a word, representing its core and universally accepted definition

ذاتی معنی, اہم معنی

a feeling or an idea suggested by a word aside from its literal or primary meaning

ضمنی معنی, اشاری معنی

the condition when a word, phrase, or concept from one language lacks an equivalent or precise translation in another language due to cultural, linguistic, or contextual differences

غیر ترجمگیری, نقصان ترجمہ

a word or phrase that belongs to the same semantic field as another word or phrase and shares the same hypernym, representing a distinct subcategory or specific instance within that field

ہم ہایپونیم, ہم ہائپرنیم

a word that is more general and encompasses a broader category of related terms

ہائپرنیم, عمومی لفظ

a semantic role that refers to the entity or object that is used to carry out or perform an action denoted by the verb in a sentence


the additional connotations or associations that a word or expression may evoke beyond its literal or primary meaning

ایسوسی ایٹوز لغوی معنی, تداعیاتی معنی

the basic and direct meaning of a word or phrase, representing the ideas it conveys

تصوراتی معنی, تصوری معنی

the condition in which a word or expression has only one primary or dominant meaning, without significant ambiguity or variation in interpretation

مونو سمی, ایک معنی کا ہونا

a unit or entity that carries meaning and represents a concept, idea, or object, often through a system of arbitrary associations between the signifier and the signified

علامت, علامت

the physical or perceptible form of a sign, such as a word, sound, image, or gesture, that represents or signifies a particular meaning or concept

علامت, نشان

the entity that undergoes or experiences an action or change as a result of an event

مریض, مفید

a semantic role assigned to the entity that undergoes an emotional or perceptual experience, such as feeling, sensing, or perceiving something

تجربہ کرنے والا, احساس کرنے والا

a role assigned to the entity that represents the target or endpoint of an action or movement

مقصد, ہدف

a role assigned to the entity that represents the starting point or origin of an action or movement

ذریعہ, اصل

a thematic role associated with a noun phrase that indicates the place or position where an action or state occurs

مقام, جگہ

(semantics) the person who benefits from an action in a sentence

مستفید, حاصل کرنے والا