
Văn Học - Thiết bị phong cách

Ở đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến các biện pháp tạo văn phong như "ngụ ngôn", "ẩn dụ" và "nghịch lý".


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Words Related to Literature

a figure of speech in which the speaker addresses a person or an abstract idea, object or thing that is not present or cannot respond as if it could respond

dấu của chử

dấu của chử

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a literary term used to describe a character's name that suggests or implies something about their personality, behavior, or role in the story

ký tự

ký tự

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a mark or set of characters that shows a certain meaning, particularly in fields like chemistry, music, or science

ký hiệu

ký hiệu

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a story, poem, painting, etc. in which the characters and events are used as symbols to convey moral or political lessons

tượng trưng

tượng trưng

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the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of the words in a verse or sentence, used as a literary device

phép điệp vận

phép điệp vận

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a statement that implies or indirectly mentions something or someone else, especially as a literary device

lời ám chỉ

lời ám chỉ

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a rhetorical device in which the writer repeats a word or phrase while adding more detail to it, in order to emphasize or clarify the meaning of the original statement

cương quyết

cương quyết

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a rhetorical device in which a word or phrase at the end of one clause or sentence is repeated at the beginning of the next clause or sentence

bệnh thoái hóa

bệnh thoái hóa

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a clever or amusing use of words that takes advantage of the multiple meanings or interpretations that it has

lời nói cợt

lời nói cợt

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a rhetorical device in which a word is repeated, but with a different meaning each time



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a figure of speech in which two ideas or concepts are arranged in parallel clauses, words, or sentences to express a contrast

đối chiếu

đối chiếu

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a rhetorical device that involves denying or dismissing something while actually acknowledging or emphasizing it

sự mất ngôn ngữ

sự mất ngôn ngữ

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figure of speech

a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect

hình thái tu từ

hình thái tu từ

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a word or phrase that compares two things or people, highlighting the similarities, often introduced by 'like' or 'as'

sự so sánh (văn học)

sự so sánh (văn học)

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a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things to highlight their similarities and convey a deeper meaning

phép ẩn ý

phép ẩn ý

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a figure of speech in which a part of something represents the whole or vice versa

bài phát biểu trong đó một phần của một cái gì đó đại diện cho toàn bộ

bài phát biểu trong đó một phần của một cái gì đó đại diện cho toàn bộ

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a figure of speech in which a name of something is used instead of another, the two of which are closely associated or one is an attribute of the other

phép hoán dụ

phép hoán dụ

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the practice of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas, objects, etc. in literature or art

sự nhân cách hóa

sự nhân cách hóa

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the figurative language in literature by which the audience can form vivid mental images

biểu tượng

biểu tượng

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a logically contradictory statement that might actually be true

tuyên bố mâu thuẫn

tuyên bố mâu thuẫn

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a subject, idea, or phrase that is repeatedly used in a literary work or musical composition

kiểu trang sức

kiểu trang sức

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the use of similar vowels close to each other in nonrhyming syllables as a literary device

hợp vận không hoàn bị

hợp vận không hoàn bị

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a literary device that refers to the repetition of consonant sounds, particularly at the end of words, to create a pleasing or rhythmic effect in a sentence or phrase

sự cộng hưởng

sự cộng hưởng

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the naming of a thing or action based on the sound that they refer to

từ tượng thanh

từ tượng thanh

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a form of humor in which the words that someone says mean the opposite, producing an emphatic effect

sự mỉa mai

sự mỉa mai

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verbal irony

a literary device in which the speaker says something but means the opposite, often for humorous or sarcastic effect

ngôn từ mỉa mai

ngôn từ mỉa mai

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situational irony

a literary device in which events or circumstances within a story are contrary to what one would expect, often leading to an unexpected outcome or twist

tình huống trớ trêu

tình huống trớ trêu

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dramatic irony

a literary technique by which the audience is more aware of the significance of the words or actions of the story than characters are

trớ trêu kịch tính

trớ trêu kịch tính

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a situation in which a theory or argument cannot be true because two or more parts of it are contradictory

lời xin lỗi

lời xin lỗi

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a literary device where conjunctions are omitted between clauses or phrases in a sentence



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a literary device that involves the use of exaggeration or hyperbole to create a dramatic or emotional effect, often used to build tension or emphasize the importance of something

sự trợ giúp

sự trợ giúp

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a literary device that uses a mixture of unpleasant, inharmonious, and harsh sounds to show disorder or chaos

những tiếng động lớn, khó chịu do chữ viết tạo ra nhằm miêu tả sự hỗn loạn

những tiếng động lớn, khó chịu do chữ viết tạo ra nhằm miêu tả sự hỗn loạn

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a rhetorical device that involves a series of phrases or clauses that are arranged in a descending order of importance or emphasis

thảm họa

thảm họa

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a rhetorical figure in which words, grammatical structures or concepts are repeated in a reverse order in successive phrases



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a writing technique that uses the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences to create emphasis or persuade the audience

sự trùng lặp

sự trùng lặp

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mockery expressed through words or actions in a biting or sarcastic manner

chế diểu

chế diểu

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the repetition of a word or phrase with only a few words in between, usually to emphasize or create a dramatic effect

màng che

màng che

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a rhetorical device in which an author or speaker ridicules or denounces an opponent's argument, typically by using sarcasm or irony

cơ hoành

cơ hoành

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a rhetorical device that involves making a conclusion based on an assumption that is not explicitly stated



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a rhetorical device in which a word or phrase at the beginning of a sentence or clause is repeated at the end of the same sentence or clause



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a rhetorical technique that involves the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses or sentences to create emphasis or reinforce a point

lời văn

lời văn

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a figure of speech where a word or a phrase is repeated in quick succession for emphasis or intensity



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figurative language

the use of words and expressions that are not meant to be taken literally, but rather to create a vivid, imaginative image or effect in the reader's mind

biểu hiệu ngôn ngữ

biểu hiệu ngôn ngữ

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the act of giving a clue of the future events to the audience in advance while narrating a story

khi người viết ngầm ám chỉ điều gì sẽ xảy ra sau đó

khi người viết ngầm ám chỉ điều gì sẽ xảy ra sau đó

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a technique used in speech and writing to exaggerate the extent of something

làm to thêm

làm to thêm

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a rhetorical device in which an author raises a question, and provides an answer right away



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a vague and allusive hint, especially a disapproving or suggestive one

ám chỉ

ám chỉ

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a figure of speech that involves a self-correction or a revision of what has just been said, usually to strengthen or emphasize the speaker's argument or to make a point more clearly



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a figure of speech that combines two contradictory or contrasting terms to create a unique expression

ẩn dụ của sự tương phản

ẩn dụ của sự tương phản

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(linguistics) the redundant use of words in a way that might be considered a fault of style, or to create an emphatic effect

tính chất thừa

tính chất thừa

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a deliberate repetition of a conjunction in a phrase, used as a literary trope



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a rhetorical strategy in which the speaker or writer anticipates an objection or counterargument from the audience and addresses it before it can be raised



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agreement between the sound or the ending of a word and another word

cước vận

cước vận

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a strong repeated pattern of musical notes or sounds

âm tiết

âm tiết

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a figure of speech where a word is used in the same sentence with two or more other words, but with different meanings

đoạn văn

đoạn văn

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a rhetorical device that involves the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning and end of successive clauses or sentences

sự kết hợp

sự kết hợp

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a figure of speech in which the speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it actually is

không báo cáo

không báo cáo

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the use of a word with two senses each of which apply to a different word in a sentence, as a figure of speech

liên kết các từ hoặc câu

liên kết các từ hoặc câu

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a literary and rhetorical device that involves repeating words or phrases in successive clauses or sentences, but in reverse order

chất chống chuyển hóa

chất chống chuyển hóa

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