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Words Related to Architecture and Construction

a building's main structural component, such as its walls, roof, etc.

cách cấu tạo

cách cấu tạo

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a building, usually next or attached to a house, in which cars or other vehicles are kept

chỗ sửa xe

chỗ sửa xe

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wine cellar

a specialized storage space designed to store and age wine bottles under controlled temperature, humidity, and lighting conditions to preserve their quality and flavor over time

hầm để rượu

hầm để rượu

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an underground storage space or room, typically found in a building, used for storing food, wine, or other items that require a cool and dark environment

rượu cất dưới hầm

rượu cất dưới hầm

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the front of a building, particularly one that is large and has an elegant appearance

mặt tiền (kiến trúc)

mặt tiền (kiến trúc)

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a storage area or room used for storing ammunition, explosives, or other hazardous materials in a safe and secure manner

kho chứa súng

kho chứa súng

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a cupboard or small room, often next to kitchen, used for keeping food in

chổ chứa đồ ăn

chổ chứa đồ ăn

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storage room

a designated space within a building used for storing various items or belongings in an organized manner, typically equipped with shelves, cabinets, or other storage solutions

nhà kho

nhà kho

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an upright structure, usually made of brick, concrete, or stone that is made to divide, protect, or surround a place

hông của xe

hông của xe

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the structure that creates the outer top part of a vehicle, building, etc.

sự lót ván

sự lót ván

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the highest part of a room, vehicle, etc. that covers it from the inside

sự lót ván

sự lót ván

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a piece of equipment such as a bath that is permanently affixed inside a house or building and people cannot take it out when they move out

bộ phận bất động

bộ phận bất động

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the front part of a house, apartment, or another building that faces a street or river

bề rộng của mặt tiền

bề rộng của mặt tiền

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gas meter

a device used to measure and monitor the flow and consumption of natural gas or propane in residential, commercial, or industrial settings

thùng chứa khí

thùng chứa khí

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each of the different parts of a building that are divided by their own floors, ceilings, and walls, and are used for a specific reason



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a service that is provided to the public, such as electricity, water, or gas, which is used in daily life

dịch vụ tiện ích

dịch vụ tiện ích

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a building later added to a main building in order to provide more space

phụ thuộc

phụ thuộc

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a channel or passage that lets the smoke from a fire pass through and get out from the roof of a building

đường rảnh sườn núi

đường rảnh sườn núi

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a hood-like covering or structure, often with a conical or curved shape, used to cover or protect an opening or feature such as a chimney, ventilator, or roof

áo có mũ trùm đầu

áo có mũ trùm đầu

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fire screen

a protective covering made of metal or glass that is placed in front of a fireplace to prevent sparks, embers, or debris from escaping while still allowing heat and light to pass through

lửa ngọn xanh

lửa ngọn xanh

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a shelf that is made of wood or stone and is above a fireplace

hốc phía trên lò sưởi

hốc phía trên lò sưởi

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a small and cozy corner or space, usually next to a fireplace, where people can sit and relax in a warm and comfortable environment

cụm lửa

cụm lửa

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the bottom of a room that we walk on

đáy sông

đáy sông

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one of the many floors that are in a building

lầu số

lầu số

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a floor situated between two other floors of a building, which is smaller compared to the two

gác lửng (kiến trúc)

gác lửng (kiến trúc)

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a vertical structural element, often made of stone, that supports the weight of the building above it

cây cột

cây cột

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the front face of a large building, particularly a church

diện mạo

diện mạo

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the area just inside the entrance of a public building such as a hotel, etc.

hành lang

hành lang

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trash chute

a vertical or inclined passage in a building that allows for the convenient disposal of waste materials by dropping them into a designated collection area or dumpster

máng rác

máng rác

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a recessed part of a wall that is built further back from the rest of it

phần lõm của bức tường

phần lõm của bức tường

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an opening or passage that allows the movement of air, gases, or other substances, typically used for ventilation, release of heat or moisture, or to remove unwanted odors

lỗ đít của loài bò sát

lỗ đít của loài bò sát

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an area with no roof that is partially or completely surrounded by walls, often forming a part of a large building



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whispering gallery

a curved architectural space where sound waves can travel along the walls, allowing whispers to be heard clearly from one side to the other

Thư viện thì thầm

Thư viện thì thầm

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chimney pot

a short and wide pipe connected to the top of a chimney

thân ống khói

thân ống khói

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a small open space or courtyard enclosed by buildings or walls



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a series of rooms, particularly in a hotel

căn hộ trong khách sạn

căn hộ trong khách sạn

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a four-sided courtyard or open space, often enclosed by buildings or walls, typically found in educational institutions, residential complexes, or historical landmarks

hình bốn góc

hình bốn góc

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a set of steps along with their surrounding structure that can lead one from one floor to another

đường lên xuống thang lầu

đường lên xuống thang lầu

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a small elevator or lifting device used to transport items such as food, dishes, or laundry between different floors of a building, typically in a commercial or residential setting

bồi bàn điếc

bồi bàn điếc

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a box-like device that moves up and down and is used to get to the different levels of a building

bánh lái lên xuống

bánh lái lên xuống

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a staircase that moves and takes people up or down different levels easily, often found in large buildings like airports, department stores, etc.

thang tự động

thang tự động

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a fireplace built into a wall where fires can be lit

lò sưởi

lò sưởi

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the area or space near a fire, particularly a fireplace, where people gather for warmth, relaxation, and socializing

chổ bị cháy

chổ bị cháy

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a long and narrow covered walkway or corridor with a series of arches or columns along one or both sides

ban công

ban công

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tube elevator

a vertical transportation system consisting of a cylindrical tube or shaft in which a cabin or platform travels, enabling efficient movement between different floors or levels within a building

thang máy ống

thang máy ống

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electrical system

the network of components, wiring, and devices that enable the generation, distribution, and use of electrical power within a building or structure

Hệ thống điện

Hệ thống điện

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plumbing system

a network of pipes, fixtures, valves, and other components that work together to supply and distribute water, as well as remove waste and sewage, within a building or structure

Hệ thống ống nước

Hệ thống ống nước

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the underside of an architectural element, such as a ceiling, arch, or overhanging roof, typically located on the underside of a structure

mặt dưới của khung tò vò

mặt dưới của khung tò vò

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a level or floor of a building or structure, typically with a horizontal division that separates it from other levels, often used to define the height or number of floors in a building

cách sắp đặt

cách sắp đặt

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the upstairs

an upper floor of a house, apartment, or any other building

tầng trên

tầng trên

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the downstairs

a floor that is located on a lower level of a building, particularly at the ground level

tầng dưới

tầng dưới

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the internal part of a building, car, etc.

trong thâm tâm

trong thâm tâm

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the outer side or surface of something, particularly a building

đồ ở bên ngoài

đồ ở bên ngoài

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