
Đặc Điểm và Tính Cách Con Người - Sự chân thành và không thành thật

Khám phá những câu tục ngữ tiếng Anh mô tả sự chân thành và không chân thành, bao gồm "không phải bạn bè nào cũng nói chuyện công bằng với chúng ta" và "những lời hay ý đẹp không có củ cải".


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Human Traits & Qualities
a friend's frown is better than a fool's smile

used to suggest that honest feedback or reprimand, even if it may be initially unpleasant, holds more value and benefit than false or empty gestures

used to suggest that honest feedback or reprimand, even if it may be initially unpleasant, holds more value and benefit than false or empty gestures

used to suggest that honest feedback or reprimand, even if it may be initially unpleasant, holds more value and benefit than false or empty gestures

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all are not friends that speak us fair

used to imply that kind words or flattery from someone does not necessarily indicate true friendship

used to imply that kind words or flattery from someone does not necessarily indicate true friendship

used to imply that kind words or flattery from someone does not necessarily indicate true friendship

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not fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you

used to warn against the potential harm caused by those who pretend to be friends but have ulterior motives, as they can deceive and betray a person from within

used to warn against the potential harm caused by those who pretend to be friends but have ulterior motives, as they can deceive and betray a person from within

used to warn against the potential harm caused by those who pretend to be friends but have ulterior motives, as they can deceive and betray a person from within

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false friends are much worse than open enemies

used to imply that it is more dangerous to have friends who pretend to be loyal while secretly betraying you than to have enemies who are open about their hostility towards you

used to imply that it is more dangerous to have friends who pretend to be loyal while secretly betraying you than to have enemies who are open about their hostility towards you

used to imply that it is more dangerous to have friends who pretend to be loyal while secretly betraying you than to have enemies who are open about their hostility towards you

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fine words shall butter no parsnips

used to emphasize that empty words or flattery are not sufficient to accomplish a task or reach a goal; rather, it is the action and effort that count

used to emphasize that empty words or flattery are not sufficient to accomplish a task or reach a goal; rather, it is the action and effort that count

used to emphasize that empty words or flattery are not sufficient to accomplish a task or reach a goal; rather, it is the action and effort that count

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flattery, (much) like perfume, should be smelled but not swallowed

used to advise that while flattering words may be pleasant to hear, one should not take them too seriously or believe them blindly

used to advise that while flattering words may be pleasant to hear, one should not take them too seriously or believe them blindly

used to advise that while flattering words may be pleasant to hear, one should not take them too seriously or believe them blindly

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imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

used to suggest that copying or imitating someone else's behavior or style is a way of paying them a compliment or showing admiration for them

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