Academic IELTS (Band 5 and Below) - Sickness and Symptoms
Here, you will learn some English words related to Sickness and Symptoms that are necessary for the Basic Academic IELTS exam.
a condition in which harmful germs, such as bacteria or viruses, invade the body and cause harm, leading to symptoms such as fever, pain, and swelling
a part of one's skin covered with red spots, which is usually caused by a sickness or an allergic reaction
a serious disease caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in a part of the body that may spread to other parts
an injury inflicted to the body especially one that seriously damages the skin or the flesh
an area of one's body that has become unusually larger, caused by an injury or sickness
an infectious disease caused by a type of virus that attacks the nose, lungs, and throat
an injury on the skin that appears as a dark mark, caused by a blow involving the rupture of vessels underneath