
المفردات الضرورية للاختبار TOEFL - الظروف البدنية والإصابات

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية حول الحالات الجسدية والإصابات، مثل "الجرح" و"السمنة" و"الدوار" وما إلى ذلك اللازمة لامتحان التوفل.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Essential Words Needed for TOEFL

a medical condition in which one's body severely reacts to a specific substance if it is inhaled, touched, or ingested



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the feeling of discomfort in the stomach, often with the urge to vomit

غثيان, شعور بالغثيان

غثيان, شعور بالغثيان

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an injury inflicted to the body especially one that seriously damages the skin or the flesh

جرح, إصابة

جرح, إصابة

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an injury on the skin that appears as a dark mark, caused by a blow involving the rupture of vessels underneath

كدمة, إصابة

كدمة, إصابة

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a mark that is left on one's skin after a wound or cut has healed



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a severe recurring type of headache, particularly affecting one side of the head, and often causing visual disturbances and nausea

صداع نصفي

صداع نصفي

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the condition of having such a high amount of body fat that it becomes very dangerous for one's health



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not able to stop taking or using something

معتمد, مدمن

معتمد, مدمن

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to overdose

to give or take an excessive amount of a drug at a given time, which could be fatal

جرعة زائدة, أفرط في الجرعة

جرعة زائدة, أفرط في الجرعة

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(of a person) unresponsive and unaware of the surroundings, typically caused by either an illness or injury

غير واعي, غافل

غير واعي, غافل

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to vomit

to eject what has been eaten or drunk through the mouth

تقيأ, قذف

تقيأ, قذف

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unable to keep one's balance and feeling as though everything is circling around one, caused by an illness or looking down from a high place

دوار, مترنح

دوار, مترنح

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to faint

to suddenly lose consciousness from a lack of oxygen in the brain, which is caused by a shock, etc.

يغشي عليه, يفقد الوعي

يغشي عليه, يفقد الوعي

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an attack caused by an illness such as epilepsy, resulting in unconsciousness and violent movements of the body

نوبة, شد عضلي

نوبة, شد عضلي

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to swell

to become rounder or larger, particularly due to an increase in the amount of fluid

تورم, انتفاخ

تورم, انتفاخ

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to shiver

to slightly shake as a result of feeling cold, scared, etc.

اهتز, ارتجف

اهتز, ارتجف

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to relapse

to become sick again after an improvement in one's health

تدهور, عادت المرض

تدهور, عادت المرض

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to collapse

(of a person) to fall and usually become unconscious due to illness

انهار, أغشي عليه

انهار, أغشي عليه

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a state of deep unconsciousness, typically of a long duration and caused by a serious injury or severe illness

غيبوبة, حالة غيبوبة

غيبوبة, حالة غيبوبة

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the unexpected start of something terrible, such as a disease

تفشي, شائعة

تفشي, شائعة

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to infect

to transmit a disease to a person, animal, or plant

عدوى, إصابة

عدوى, إصابة

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having or caused by a fever

حمى, فِرْز

حمى, فِرْز

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a harmful state in which the body has lost a lot of water



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a secondary health condition that makes the treatment of the existing condition harder

مضاعفات, حالة صحية ثانوية

مضاعفات, حالة صحية ثانوية

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to develop

to start to have a particular disease or problem

تطور, أصيب ب

تطور, أصيب ب

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very bad, harsh, or intense

شديد, قاسي

شديد, قاسي

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(of an illness) suddenly becoming severe but for a short time

حاد, حادث

حاد, حادث

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a small cut on the skin caused by something sharp, like a fingernail, thorn, or rough surface

خدش, جروح خفيفة

خدش, جروح خفيفة

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to sprain

(of a ligament) to be suddenly twisted, which results in much pain

التواء, جُرح

التواء, جُرح

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a mark or injury that is caused by exposure to fire, acid, heat, etc.

حروق, علامة حروق

حروق, علامة حروق

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severe physical or mental pain

عذَاب, ألم

عذَاب, ألم

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the rapid spread of an infectious disease within a specific population, community, or region, affecting a significant number of individuals at the same time

وباء, مرض وبائي

وباء, مرض وبائي

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a disease that spreads across a large region or even across the world

جائحة, وباء

جائحة, وباء

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