Seznam Slovíček Úrovně B1 - Město a venkov
Zde se naučíte anglická slovíčka o městě a venkově, jako např. „orchard“, „gym“, „suburb“ atd. připravená pro studenty B1.
a place in which works of art are shown or sold to the public

galerie, výstavní síň

a place that is open during nighttime in which people can dance, eat, and drink

noční klub, diskotéka

a building where firefighters stay and have the tools they need to help with fires and other emergencies

hasičská stanice, stanice hasičů

a place with special equipment that people go to exercise or play sports

posilovna, fitness centrum

a playing area built outdoors for children, particularly inside parks or schools

hřiště, dětské hřiště

a shop where a barber works and men can get haircuts

holičství, pánský kadeřnický salon

addressing the structures, functions, or issues of cities and their populations

městský, městská

an area close to the center of a city that usually suffers from economic problems

centrum města, vnitřní město

the number of people who live in a particular city or country

populace, počet obyvatel

buildings in which people live, including their condition, prices, or types

bytová výstavba, bydlení

a sign that shows warnings or information to drivers

silniční značka, dopravní značka

a tall post with a light on top, usually found along roads, streets, or sidewalks

sloup veřejného osvětlení, osvětlení ulice

a type of bridge that is built over a road to provide a different passage

nadjezd, most

a land that is used for farming, especially in rural areas

zemědělská půda, polní pozemek

(in the US) one of the areas into which a state is divided and has a local government of its own

okres, kraj

an area of land that is usually enclosed and is used to grow fruit trees in

ovocnářství, sady

a deep hole dug in the ground to get access to the resources beneath, such as water, oil, etc.

studna, vrtná jáma

a huge wall built to keep water from entering an area or to contain and use it as a power source to produce electricity

přehra, hráz

a pathway typically made of concrete or asphalt at the side of a street for people to walk on


the place where someone or a group of people come from and feel a strong connection to

domov, vlast