
Seznam Slovíček Úrovně B1 - Životní prostředí a energie

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o životním prostředí a energii, jako je „planet“, „habitat“, „resource“ atd. připravená pro studenty B1.









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CEFR B1 Vocabulary

a huge round object that moves in an orbit, around the sun or any other star

planeta, nebeské těleso

planeta, nebeské těleso

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the different types of gases that surround the earth or other planets



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the place or area in which certain animals, birds, or plants naturally exist, lives, and grows

habitat, prostředí

habitat, prostředí

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(usually plural) a country's gas, oil, trees, etc. that are considered valuable and therefore can be sold to gain wealth

přírodní zdroje, zdroje

přírodní zdroje, zdroje

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the energy that is obtained through different means, such as electrical or solar, to operate different equipment or machines

energie, výkon

energie, výkon

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any substance that can produce energy or heat when burned

palivo, hořlavina

palivo, hořlavina

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fossil fuel

a fuel that is found in nature and obtained from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago, such as coal and gas

fosilní palivo, energetický fosil

fosilní palivo, energetický fosil

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a type of fossil fuel, which is black and found in the ground, typically used as a source of energy



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a liquid found deep under the ground that is used as a fuel

olej, ropa

olej, ropa

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a source of power that can be used to produce heat, light, or to operate different machines



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atomic energy

a clean and powerful energy that is obtained by splitting atoms, which then can be used to produce heat, electricity, etc.

atomová energie, jaderná energie

atomová energie, jaderná energie

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carbon footprint

the amount of carbon dioxide that an organization or person releases into the atmosphere

uhlíková stopa, uhlíkový otisk

uhlíková stopa, uhlíkový otisk

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carbon dioxide

a type of gas with no color and smell that is produced by burning carbon or during breathing out

oxidu uhličitého, oxium uhličitý

oxidu uhličitého, oxium uhličitý

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having no harmful substances that could cause pollution

čistý, neznečištěný

čistý, neznečištěný

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the act of removing harmful or dirty substances from somewhere

úklid, čištění

úklid, čištění

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referring to products, actions, or practices that are designed to cause minimal harm to the environment

ekologický, přátelský k životnímu prostředí

ekologický, přátelský k životnímu prostředí

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(of a substance or product) causing no harm to the environment

ekologický, udržitelný

ekologický, udržitelný

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to pollute

to damage the environment by releasing harmful chemicals or substances to the air, water, or land

znečišťovat, kontaminovat

znečišťovat, kontaminovat

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to consume

to use a supply of energy, fuel, etc.

spotřebovat, užívat

spotřebovat, užívat

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climate crisis

an urgent situation in which proper action must be taken to remove the threats done to the environment

klimatická krize, klimatická nouze

klimatická krize, klimatická nouze

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natural disaster

any destruction caused by the nature that results in a great amount of damage or the death of many, such as an earthquake, flood, etc.

přirozená katastrofa, přírodní katastrofa

přirozená katastrofa, přírodní katastrofa

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volcanic eruption

the sudden release of lava, gases, and ash from a volcano

sopečný výbuch, sopečné vřídlo

sopečný výbuch, sopečné vřídlo

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things such as household materials that have no use anymore

odpad, smetí

odpad, smetí

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materials that have no use and are unwanted

odpad, zbytek

odpad, zbytek

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greenhouse gas

any type of gas, particularly carbon dioxide, that contributes to global warming by trapping heat

skleníkový plyn, plyn skleníkového efektu

skleníkový plyn, plyn skleníkového efektu

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greenhouse effect

a global problem that is caused by the increase of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide which results in gradual warming of the earth

skleníkový efekt, globální oteplování

skleníkový efekt, globální oteplování

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consisting of poisonous substances

toxický, jedovatý

toxický, jedovatý

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consisting of toxic substances that can cause harm or death

jedovatý, toxický

jedovatý, toxický

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air pollution

toxic and harmful substances in the air that can cause illnesses

znečištění vzduchu, kontaminace vzduchu

znečištění vzduchu, kontaminace vzduchu

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a cloud of chemicals produced by burning something

kouř, oblak kouře

kouř, oblak kouře

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power plant

a large building in which electricity is made

elektrárna, energocentrum

elektrárna, energocentrum

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to recycle

to make a waste product usable again

recyklovat, znovu používat

recyklovat, znovu používat

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the process of making waste products usable again



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(of a resource, energy, etc.) naturally restored as fast as or faster than they are used up

obnovitelný, renovovatelný

obnovitelný, renovovatelný

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an unexpected and usually dangerous situation needing immediate attention or action

naléhavá situace, emergence

naléhavá situace, emergence

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to rot

to become destroyed, often due to the action of bacteria or fungi over time

hnít, rozkládat se

hnít, rozkládat se

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any substance that is dirty, disgusting, or unpleasant

špína, nečistota

špína, nečistota

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to rot

to cause a particular thing to decay or decompose

hnít, rozkládat

hnít, rozkládat

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