the cylindrical lower portion of a tree located above the roots and below the branches

kmen, trup

a spanish dance that involves intricate footwork and graceful, flirtatious movements


a specialized type of plant fruit or capsule containing seeds that splits open at maturity, such as cotton or flax

tobolka, lusk

to enforce a type of payment, such as fees, taxes, or fines and collect them

vyměřit, vybrat

a way of speaking, acting, or conveying information in a lighthearted style without gravity

lehkost, nezasvěcenost

to rise and float in air, as if by magic or without any physical support

levitovat, vznášet se

the single most massive, formidable or mighty example of its kind

obrovský kolos, monstrum

a person or entity that bestows something, such as property, rights, or privileges, to another through a legal document

udělující, postoupení

an individual, organization, or other entity that receives funds or other resources through agreement or contract

příjemce, grantista

to have doubts, reservations, or uncertainties about relying on someone or something

nedůvěřovat, pochybovat

to portray imperfectly or incorrectly without deceitful intent

nepřesně představit, nesprávně zobrazit

an imperfect or incorrect portrayal resulting from misunderstanding, incomplete data, or unintentional errors

nepřesné zobrazení, mýlící prezentace

to arrange an item in a way that is improper based on conventions, standards, or designated positioning

špatně umístit, neodpovídajícím způsobem umístit

incompetent or ineffective governance of a country, organization, or domain

špatná správa, chaotické řízení