Akademický IELTS (Pásmo 6-7) - Energie a moc
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s Energy and Power, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku Academic IELTS.
a device that converts the energy of the sun into electricity
solární článek, fotovoltaický článek
a type of energy generated by splitting atoms to release their stored energy
jaderná energie, nukleární energie
the energy produced from heat sources, often used to generate electricity
tepelná energie, termální energie
device used to convert the kinetic energy of flowing water into mechanical energy, which is then used to generate electricity
vodní turbína, hydroelektrická turbína
a renewable source that harnesses heat from beneath the Earth's surface for electricity or heating
geotermální energie, geotermální zdroj energie
a clean and powerful energy that is obtained by splitting atoms, which then can be used to produce heat, electricity, etc.
atomová energie, jaderná energie
a large building in which electricity is made
elektrárna, energocentrum
a facility that generates electricity on a large scale
elektrárna, energetická stanice
energy that is generated from the force of running water
vodní energie, hydroenergetika
a machine that produces electricity by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy
generátor, stroj na výrobu energie
a closed vessel in which water is heated to create steam or hot water, used for heating buildings, producing electricity, or powering machines
a large machine or structure used for producing nuclear energy
jaderný reaktor
a device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC)
unrefined petroleum extracted from underground reservoirs before processing
nepřesněna ropa, syrová ropa
a huge wall built to keep water from entering an area or to contain and use it as a power source to produce electricity
přehra, hráz
a device that converts fuel directly into electricity through a chemical reaction
palivový článek, palivová buně
a large facility used for drilling oil or gas from underground or under the sea
ropařská plošina, vrtná plošina
a drilled hole or structure used to extract petroleum (crude oil) or natural gas from underground reservoirs
ropná studna, vrt pro ropu