Frázová Slovesa Používající 'Down' & 'Away' - Snížení, ztráta nebo oslabení (dolů)
to make someone or something in power lose their position
svrhnout, odstranit
to have a decrease in price, temperature, etc.
klesnout, snížit se
to gradually decrease in intensity, volume, or activity
utichnout, slábnout
(of a price, temperature, etc.) to decrease in amount or level
klesat, snižovat se
to lower the price of something, often temporarily
snížit cenu, zlevnit
to decrease the number of possibilities or choices
zúžit, ohraničit
to reduce a number to the closest lower whole number
zaokrouhlit dolů, snížit na nejbližší nižší celé číslo
to decrease in quantity or supply as a result of items being sold
snižovat zásoby, omezit nabídku
to move with a lower speed or rate of movement
zpomaliť, snížit rychlost
to willingly step back from a position or authority, and allow someone else to take over
ustoupit, odejít
to voluntarily resign or retire from a job or position
odejít, rezignovat
to turn a switch on a device so that it makes less sound, heat, etc.
ztlumit, snížit
to make something such as a law, suggestion, etc. less intense, complicated, or forceful, typically by removing or reducing certain parts of it
změkčit, oslabit
to slowly weaken someone's emotional or mental strength over time, often due to continuous pressure or challenges
oslabit, vytížit
to slowly reduce the activity of a business or organization, leading to its eventual closure
postupně omezit činnost, snižovat činnost
to use up all of one's energy, especially to the point of stopping or ceasing to function
vyčerpat, unavit