B2-Wortliste - Politics
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter zum Thema Politik, wie „federal“, „revolutionary“, „congress“ usw., vorbereitet für B2-Lernende.
relating to activities, issues, or affairs within a particular country

inländisch, national

relating to the central government of a country rather than the local or regional governments

holding a position of authority or responsibility within an organization or government

offiziell, offizieller

associated with the role or actions of a president, such as decisions, behaviors, or policies

präsidial, präsidentschaftlich

the fundamental change of power, government, etc. in a country by people, particularly involving violence

a formal meeting of representatives from various regions within a country to discuss and make decisions on national issues

Kongress, Versammlung

a person who aligns with or supports the principles and policies traditionally associated with conservative political ideologies

a major political party in the UK favoring traditional values, economic liberalism, and gradual change rather than radical reform

Konservative Partei, Partei der Konservativen

the youngest political party in the US which has conservative beliefs and is against the high power of central government

Republikanische Partei

someone who supports social equality, healthcare reform, environmental protection, and a more active role for government in addressing social issues

Demokrat, Befürworter sozialer Gerechtigkeit

the oldest political party in the US which believes in social equality by helping the poor in different ways, etc.

Demokratische Partei, Partei der Demokraten

a British political party which favors the welfare of workers and the poor

Arbeiterpartei, Sozialdemokratische Partei

to officially have the control and authority to rule over a country and manage its affairs

a country controlled by elected representatives chosen by the people, following principles of political equality and protection of individual rights


a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group, often with absolute authority, without the consent of the people

Diktatur, autokratische Herrschaft

a system of government or a country or state that is ruled by a king or queen


a country considered as a group of people that share the same history, language, etc., and are ruled by the same government

Nation, Land

the person who is the head of a specific department within the government, responsible for managing policies, operations, and administration related to that department


a person who speaks formally for an organization, government, etc.

Sprecher, Vertreter

the main political party opposed to the government

die Opposition, die Oppositionspartei

a set of ideas or a plan of action that has been chosen officially by a group of people, an organization, a political party, etc.

Politik, Strategie

a plan which is a secret and made by a group of people to do something illegal or to kill someone

Verschwörung, Intrige

a severe and often sudden enforcement of law or regulations, typically to suppress or control specific activities, behaviors, or groups perceived as problematic or threatening

Durchgreifen, Maßnahme

the action of controlling people by means of force or violence

Repression, Unterdrückung

the head of government in parliamentary democracies, who is responsible for leading the government and making important decisions on policies and law-making

Ministerpräsident, Regierungschef

a US federal agency responsible for protecting the country from various threats, including terrorism, border security, immigration, and cybersecurity
to cause someone to make a poor decision by providing them with incorrect guidance or misleading information